UPDATE: Pittsfield Street Improvement Project: Aug. 7
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Due to inclement weather, be advised that the road work scheduled for this week has been updated as follows:
Monday, August 7: Milling Quirico Drive and Almar Drive
Tuesday, August 8: Milling Brookside Drive and Ann Drive
Thursday, August 10: Pave first course on Cloverdale Street
Friday, August 11: Finish first course on Cloverdale Street and pave first course on Tamarack Road
In addition, between August 8-10, structures will be lowered on Lakeway Drive, California Avenue, Maryland Avenue and Allendale Road.
This work will occur between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. and is subject to change based on weather or other unexpected circumstances.
On-street parking is prohibited between the hours of 6 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Use caution when traveling on these roads.