Cheshire Youth Center Green Team Get State Award

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BOSTON — State environmental officials recognized students from 48 schools across Massachusetts for outstanding environmental actions as members of the Green Team, a statewide environmental education program sponsored by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP).
"The Healey-Driscoll Administration is implementing ambitious climate and environmental goals to help build a more sustainable future for the next generation. It is never too early to join with our students and educators to teach sustainability on our way to a healthier Massachusetts," said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Rebecca Tepper. "I congratulate all of the Green Team teachers and students. They showed outstanding leadership and initiative during the past school year to raise environmental awareness and promote waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting in their schools, homes, and communities."
The Cheshire Youth Center was a recipient of one of these awards.
Students of any age can participate in the Green Team program, an initiative composed of students that share the goals of reducing pollution and protecting the environment, with a focus on recycling, composting, and sustainability. 277 classes registered for the Green Team this school year, comprised of almost 60,000 students at 243 schools.
"Our administration is committed to reducing waste disposal by 30 percent by 2030 and 90 percent by 2050, and one way to meet those goals is to partner with our schools to show that small acts by students can produce amazing results for our communities and our environment," said MassDEP Commissioner Bonnie Heiple. "These Green Team students exemplify what it means to be active and engaged residents by demonstrating to their fellow classmates, friends, and families that fun, easy, and practical activities can conserve water and energy, reduce waste, preserve natural resources, and protect the climate."
Students took part in a range of activities, including:
  • Expanding school recycling programs,
  • Collecting textiles for donation and recycling,
  • Starting a compost pile using organic waste from the school cafeteria and using the compost it generates to nourish a garden to grow vegetables,
  • Rescuing unused or unwanted food and distributing to local food banks,
  • Planting trees and native wildflowers to attract pollinators and songbirds,
  • Repurposing and reusing materials to make "new" items,
  • Promoting water conservation,
  • Making their school driveways "Idle-Free Zones,"
  • Increasing energy efficiency in their schools and communities, and
  • Reducing their carbon footprint at school and at home. 
These activities incorporated classroom disciplines from the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), as well as reading, writing, art, and other non-classroom, interrelated projects.
Participating teachers received either a digital or hard-copy Green Team Kit containing classroom posters, lesson plans, recycling tips and access to a library of other resources. In addition, 30 schools received recycling and/or composting equipment from the Green Team to initiate or expand school recycling programs, and 15 schools received signs reading "Idle-Free Zone" from the Green Team that serve as a visual reminder to drivers to turn off their engines while waiting in the schoolyard.
Participating classes entered in a drawing for prizes, and 48 classes received prizes for their efforts. Three schools won grand prizes for going above and beyond in their efforts to promote sustainability and responsible citizenship in their communities and will be treated to a pizza party. 
All other classes received prizes for their participating students, including reusable snack bags, straws, and utensils; certificates for garden supplies; or paper bookmarks with seeds embedded for planting. 
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Cheshire Lays Off School Resource Officer

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
CHESHIRE, Mass. — A veteran officer of the Police Department is out after his position as school resource officer was was basically eliminated. 
The Select Board on Thursday night voted to lay off Sgt. David Tarjick after the Hoosac Valley Regional School District requested he not return to the high school campus. 
An investigation had cleared him of an incident with a student but he went to the school prior to being officially reinstated.
The vote came after about 19 minutes of discussion and statements from Tarjick, who had requested the posted executive session be opened. 
"I love this town. I've given my all to this town, and I guess this is the thanks I get," Tarjick said. He said he was being made a "scapegoat" because of threats of a lawsuit.
The 18-year veteran of the force was accompanied by his attorney and nearly three dozen supporters who were not allowed to speak on his behalf. Public participation was not listed on the agenda as the meeting had been for executive session.
The initial incident had involved a complaint of the use of force with a student; according to Tarjick and officials, a third-party investigation cleared him of any allegations. The Select Board at an executive session on Nov. 12 voted to reinstate him as he had been relieved of his duties as SRO during this period. 
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