Pittsfield Parade Committee Turns Focus to 2024

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The Pittsfield Parade Committee has begun looking to raise funds to make next year's parade possible. 
"We have much to do as a committee to complete work on this year's parade, but we've accomplished our monetary goals to meet our budget which we intend to keep as creative as we intend it to be as you'll see," said Committee Chairman Pete Marchetti.  
The Committee requires more than $100,000 to put the show together with balloons, bands and professional consulting fees being the leading line items.  
According to Marchetti, "balloons, which includes helium, and bands which require shelter, are our most requested units." 
Other expenses include insurance, banners, the booklet, supplies, etc.
"We don't want to relinquish control from our all-volunteer committee to a municipal led organization," said Marchetti, adding, "if that were to happen, we'd be relinquishing creative control which comes from direct response to the public."  
Donations may be made through the website, pittsfieldparade.com, mailed to PO Box 1738 Pittsfield MA 01202. Donations of $25 or more will receive a free parade poster.  
The committee welcomes but must approve fund raising events.  Ideas are welcome. One may call the parade headquarters at 413-447-7763 with questions, ideas or concerns or attend the remaining meetings for this year's parade at the Polish Falcons on Belair Ave in Pittsfield at 7pm on 5/17 and 31; 6/7, 14 and 28.

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Kwanzaa Celebration Set Saturday in Pittsfield

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The Women of Color Giving Circle and the Rites of Passage and Empowerment Program will present their annual community Kwanzaa celebration at 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 28, at Zion Lutheran Church, 74 First St.
Kwanzaa is a non-religious celebration held Dec. 26 through Jan. 1. The holiday celebrates African and African American culture, with an emphasis on seven principles geared toward uplift and empowerment.  
The program, which will be held in the Zion Common Room, will include a youth panel discussion on the topic, "Where do we go from here," featuring Roos Bajnath, Brian Annor-Bash, Ronny Brizan, Patrick Gordon, Olivia Nda, Sadiya Quetti, and Gloria Williams.  
The evening's performances will include a special guest, jazz and blues singer Samirah Evans; selections from Abby Percy and James Ryan; and an African dance and drum presentation led by Noel Staples-Freeman.  
There is a suggested fee of $20 for adults and $5 for seniors and students. Also, Kwanzaa-themed T-shirts will be on sale for $25-$35. 
For more information, contact Shirley Edgerton at 413-496-4602.  
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