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The Select Board has approved no-parking signs be posted on the east side of Daly Avenue between 40 and 48 Daly as a public safety concern.

Dalton Board: No Parking Signs on Daly Ave

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
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DALTON, Mass.—The Select Board last week voted in favor of installing "No Parking" signs on Daly Ave near Zinky's Pub.
No parking signs will be installed on the east side of Daly from approximately 40 Daly Ave. to 48 Daly Ave.
Board members agreed with residents that the "sightline on the corner is pretty dangerous."
Neighbors said the parking on Daly has not only caused traffic congestion but has become a safety issue. 
Resident Deborah Merry attended the Select Board meeting to urge the approval of the no-parking signs.
There was an incident where a resident needed an ambulance but emergency personnel were unable to get to their home because of cars parked along the street, Merry said.  
"With this suggestion, we believe it will relieve the congestion at the corner and allow for traffic in both directions to flow without being impeded. This will also allow for better flow for emergency response," Traffic Commission Chair William Drosehn wrote to the board.
The concern was originally raised at a March 3 Traffic Commission meeting that several residents attended to express their concerns about the parking on both sides of the street. 
The commissioners had received numerous complaints in the past regarding parking in this area and voted 3-2 in favor of sending a recommendation to the board for no-parking signs on that corner. 
Commissioners who voted against the recommendation believed that the parking on the street is a problem but felt temporary no-parking signs would be adequate. Others argued that since this has been an ongoing issue, permanent signs would be better.   

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Marchetti Details Six Months of 'Going Bold' at 1Berkshire Lunch

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

1Berkshire President and CEO Jonathan Butlers says the relationship between the business community and the new Pittsfield mayor is off to a good start. 

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Six months in, Mayor Peter Marchetti detailed his progress in plans to "go bold or go home" during a 1Berkshire luncheon last week.

"My motto over the past six months as some members of the [Pittsfield Economic Development Authority]and my business development director has heard, we're going to go bold, or we are going to go home," he said to a crowd of more than 120 at the Proprietor's Lodge on Wednesday.

"I have four years to make a difference. And I plan on making that difference in four years."

President & CEO Jonathan Butler said the relationship between the business community and elected leaders is critical to making progress and collective success.

"In the case of Mayor Marchetti, this relationship is already off to a strong start. The mayor comes into this position with a deep understanding of the importance of partnerships and the value of bringing different voices together to solve problems," he said.

"Additionally, the mayor's dual background of coming from a career in business, while also serving many years on the City Council and other public roles gives him a unique understanding of the importance of quality dialogue and partnership between the city and his business community."

Marchetti reported that the city's business development team is working on five sets of business prospects — including the first developer for Site 9 at the William Stanley Business Park. The 16 1/2-acre parcel has been a "blighted and sore spot in the community for many decades" but began its journey toward revitalization this year.

"I'm working with a Pittsfield Development Authority board to work on securing the future developer for this site and surrounding places and hoping that we'd be able to make that announcement very soon, as the negotiations are well underway," he said.

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