BCHS Lecture on Early History of Brewing in Pittsfield

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — On March 23 at 5:30 pm, the Berkshire County Historical Society (BCHS) explores the city's brewing history as well as contemporary Berkshire brewing with a lecture by Cynthia Brown, historian and BCHS President.
The presentation will be followed by a tasting from Berkshire Brewing Co., Hot Plate Brewing Co., and Shire Breu-Haus at Berkshire Theatre Festival's "The Garage" at 111 South Street. 
Additional flights and full pours will also be available for purchase.
Tickets are $25 for BCHS, $30 for non-members and can be purchased in advance at https://berkshire-county-historical-society.square.site/events; you must be 21 years of age to participate in the tasting, but the lecture is open to all ages.
Brown's talk, Beer for Their Refreshment: Brewing in Pittsfield from the 18th Century to Prohibition, will present original research and images that will illuminate this part of Pittsfield's history and culture. 
Gimlich of Pittsfield brewery firm in 1886 employed over 100 workers and manufactured tens of thousands of barrels a year at its peak. Later known as the Berkshire Brewing Association, this long-time Pittsfield business was the apogee of a series of commercial brewing concerns that supplied Pittsfield taverns, inns, families, and individuals with their beer, starting before 1800 and lasting into the first years of Prohibition.
More recently, Pittsfield as well as Berkshire County have seen the rise and success of several new breweries, growing out of the microbrewery movement that took hold in the 1990s. 

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Concerns Raised About Intersection Near Nessacus Middle School

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

DALTON, Mass. — The Traffic Commission is looking into safety concerns with the intersection in front of Nessacus Regional Middle School.

On Thursday, the panel voted to send a letter to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation voicing the concerns and providing crash data for the intersection of Hinsdale Road, East Housatonic Street and Fox Road.

"Almost every crash at that intersection has injuries because of the high-speed road," Police Chief Deanna Strout said. "And it is usually a pretty decent collision there."

Resident Paul Tabone brought the item forward after hearing a significant crash from his home in Stonemill Condominiums at the end of August.

He has lived at the condos right next to the intersection for 14 years, seven full-time.

"Always noted the traffic. Didn't really pay much attention to things until we started living there regularly. A lot of near misses but specifically on the 26th of August, there was a direct contact," he said.

"I was not a witness to it. However, I was standing grabbing my coffee. I heard the bang, I got to the window, and watched both the pickup truck and this giant dump truck literally sliding into the intersection, of course, into Fox [Road]."

Tabone said one person was taken away in an ambulance and that "it’s a dicey spot even on a good day." He feels the intersection is poorly designed and drivers speed onto Housatonic Street to avoid going through the town center.

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