Governor Announces Creation of Director of Rural Affairs

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DEERFIELD — Governor Maura T. Healey and Lieutenant Governor Kimberley Driscoll visited Franklin County today to announce the creation of a Director of Rural Affairs to ensure that Massachusetts' rural communities are better represented in state government. 
Housed in the Executive Office of Economic Development, the Director of Rural Affairs will serve as a dedicated advocate and ombudsman for rural communities. They will be responsible for cultivating rural economic development and coordinating with secretariats and state agencies to ensure that state government is attuned to the unique needs of rural communities.  
"Lieutenant Governor Driscoll and I want to lead an administration for all of Massachusetts, including our rural communities that contribute so much to our state. For the first time in state history, we will have a dedicated staff member committed to coordinating across state government to support economic development in rural communities," said Governor Healey. "We want to send a clear message to every single person who calls rural Massachusetts home – we see you, we value you, and we're going to work every day to ensure you have the representation and support you deserve." 
The Director of Rural Affairs will be tasked with conducting a review of all state grant opportunities to ensure that barriers for rural and small towns are mitigated. They will also be instructed to host dedicated office hours for rural towns to receive technical assistance to identify and explore grant opportunities. The Healey-Driscoll Administration also commits to maintaining and updating the Community Compact Connector Calendar so that small municipalities can find all state grants in one place and better coordinate their application efforts. 
The Healey-Driscoll Administration's FY24 proposal also includes a number of provisions to support rural communities, including: 
  • $25 M for Food Security Infrastructure Grants (FSIG) to aid farmers, fisherman, schools, nonprofits, and local producers and construct infrastructure to bolster the local food system. This creates a permanent funding source for these grants for the first time. 
  • $7.5 million for rural school aid, a $2 million (36%) increase over FY23. This program provides rural districts with additional funding for the fixed costs of running a school district and exploring strategies to improve longer-term operational efficiencies. 
  • Increased payments in lieu of taxes (PILOT) for state-owned land to ensure full and equitable reimbursement. PILOT reflects property tax revenue forgone by cities and towns due to state ownership of certain land. H.1 funds PILOT at $51.5 million, a $6.5 million (14%) increase over FY23. This funding level reflects the most up-to-date property valuations while ensuring all municipalities will receive the same or higher payments in FY24. 
  • Expanding the dairy tax credit cap from $6 million to $8 million to better protect dairy farmers from fluctuations in wholesale milk prices. 
  • Expanding base funding for RTAs by nearly $9 million. H.1 also adds $19 million for new grant opportunities for transit providers, including RTAs, to enable providers to explore new service models that better meet the needs of their communities, expand service to additional hours and days, and improve paratransit infrastructure. At least 25 Percent would go towards providers serving rural communities. 
  • Increasing by $570,000 the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resource's MassGrown and Fresher branding campaign, agricultural fairs, farmers markets, and agricultural education initiatives.  
  • Funding three new staff positions to support and bolster the Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) Program, facilitating farmland acquisition and protection. 
  • Expanding support for the Community One Stop for Growth by investing $1 million into technical assistance to help municipalities identify ways to breathe life into underutilized parcels and committing $600,000 for the Massachusetts Downtown Initiative to help further community development efforts in town centers and downtowns with planning support. These programs are included in an operating budget for the first time.   
The administration's budget also proposes funding for MassDOT to continue to advance the exploration of next steps for West-East Passenger Rail. This includes $650,000 for five full time employees, including the position of a West-East Rail Director. These individuals will collaborate on advancing a strategy to fund and implement service and infrastructure components needed for West-East Rail. The budget also recommends $12.5 million for components of a future West-East Rail, including track improvements at the Pittsfield Station and the study and design of Palmer Station. 
"I'm grateful to Gov. Healey and Lt. Gov. Driscoll for their foresight in creating a position within our office dedicated to the unique challenges rural communities face," said Secretary Yvonne Hao of the Office of Housing and Economic Development. "Our economy needs to work for everyone, including the 181 rural communities and small towns across our state. Through this role, rural and small towns will have an advocate in state government committed to helping their economies thrive." 
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Concerns Raised About Intersection Near Nessacus Middle School

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

DALTON, Mass. — The Traffic Commission is looking into safety concerns with the intersection in front of Nessacus Regional Middle School.

On Thursday, the panel voted to send a letter to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation voicing the concerns and providing crash data for the intersection of Hinsdale Road, East Housatonic Street and Fox Road.

"Almost every crash at that intersection has injuries because of the high-speed road," Police Chief Deanna Strout said. "And it is usually a pretty decent collision there."

Resident Paul Tabone brought the item forward after hearing a significant crash from his home in Stonemill Condominiums at the end of August.

He has lived at the condos right next to the intersection for 14 years, seven full-time.

"Always noted the traffic. Didn't really pay much attention to things until we started living there regularly. A lot of near misses but specifically on the 26th of August, there was a direct contact," he said.

"I was not a witness to it. However, I was standing grabbing my coffee. I heard the bang, I got to the window, and watched both the pickup truck and this giant dump truck literally sliding into the intersection, of course, into Fox [Road]."

Tabone said one person was taken away in an ambulance and that "it’s a dicey spot even on a good day." He feels the intersection is poorly designed and drivers speed onto Housatonic Street to avoid going through the town center.

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