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'Call/Volunteer' Nature of Williamstown Fire Department Is No Secret

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff
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WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The water line question, the Lowry property, the overlay district at Waubeeka Golf Links.
Those are the recent "big" town meetings that come to mind when regular attendees think about recent gatherings that attracted more than the typical 300 or so voters.
Tuesday's special meeting of the Williamstown Fire District, which has the same constituency as town government but is a separate taxing authority, drew 590 residents to decide whether to spend up to $22.5 million to build a new fire station on Main Street.
Despite the high turnout, this week's meeting, unlike past well-attended meetings, did not feature a particularly lengthy debate or an especially narrow decision. The one question on the meeting warrant passed in a landslide, 509-32, and the meeting took about an hour.
But the decision, though overwhelming, was not unanimous. And the discussion, though largely reflective of the strong support in the room, did have a couple of dissenting opinions.
One of the most vocal critics of the station project on social media this winter went to the microphone to accuse Fire District officials of providing disinformation in the run-up to the vote.
Specifically, Scott McGowan challenged officials' use of the word "volunteer" in describing the town's firefighters.
"Mr. [David] Moresi continually said the Williamstown Fire Department is a volunteer fire department, but that's not true," McGowan said, referring to the chair of the Prudential Committee that oversees the district. "You continue to say it's a volunteer fire department, but it's not."
The district's counsel immediately jumped in and advised the moderator to rule McGowan's comments out of order because they did not address the issue on the table, whether to authorize bonding for the new station.
Despite a request from a member of the district's Building Committee to respond to the accusation, Moderator Paul Harsch followed the attorney's advice and moved on to the next speaker in line to address the meeting from the floor.
McGowan, who, to be clear, was not begrudging the firefighters any compensation but making a semantic argument, was correct: Williamstown firefighters do receive an hourly rate of just more than $20 when they are in service to the department.
But the payments are not a secret.
"Pay of firefighters" is a line in the district's one-page annual operating budget, which the Prudential Committee sends each spring to the annual district meeting for approval by the voters. And the rate of payment is frequently a topic of discussion at the Prudential Committee's public meetings in preparing the budget each year.
The district's single full-time employee said on Thursday that he does his best to make sure the true nature of the department is clear when he talks about the men and women who serve the town.
"If you listen to anything I've done with the [district's Community] Advisory Committee, especially, from the beginning, I always referred to our department as a call/volunteer department," Fire Chief Craig Pedercini said. "That's what we are."
It turns out that's what a lot of fire departments are in small towns nationwide and across the commonwealth.
According to data on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's website, 86 percent of the nation's 27,189 fire departments are either "all-volunteer" or "mostly volunteer." That number includes departments, like Williamstown's, where the volunteer firefighters receive some form of compensation; sometimes it is an annual stipend, and sometimes it is an hourly rate.
The current president of the Massachusetts Call/Volunteer Fire Association, Mike Goldstein of Sherborn, said his department in a town of 4,300 outside Boston has a similar model to the one in Williamstown.
"We have around 50-plus members on our roster," Goldstein wrote in an email responding to a request for clarification on how common it is to pay volunteer firefighters. "Only the Chief and one daytime lieutenant are full-time. All the rest of us (at least 50 of us) are call members.
"We get paid about $20/hour for fire calls. We do not have shifts, per se. …  But would be classified as a 'mostly volunteer' because if you have even one paid person (usually the chief), you are not volunteer. Technically, we are call since we get paid if we respond, and we are town employees; volunteers are unpaid."
Likewise, Williamstown firefighters are district employees and pay taxes on the money they receive for their time on service.
It is not a lot of money.
There are 26 firefighters currently on Williamstown's roster. That "pay of firefighters" line in the fiscal year 2023 budget is $45,500. In many years, the district does not exhaust the whole budget line, but there are outliers, like 2021, when the town dealt with the largest forest fire the state has seen in two decades.
The number of hours an individual firefighter serves the department in a given year can vary wildly based on the number of calls and the availability of any given firefighter to respond at the time those calls come in.
Pedercini pulled up a snapshot of the period from Dec. 2020 to June 2021, which included the May 2021 forest fire. In that seven-month period, the WFD employee who logged the most hours put in for 115 hours of service time.
That translates to $2,300, before taxes are taken out, at $20 per hour.
"The other five months, they may get something similar to that, but it depends on the calls," Pedercini said. "You get a structure fire, and you're out for several hours, that boosts the number. Even if you double [the $2,300], that's $4,600 for the entire year, but that's provided that person responds to all the calls."
Looked at another way, the town gets a big bang for its buck with that $44,500 expenditure each year.
"For that amount of money, you probably get 15 [firefighters] on average to show up at calls," Pedercini said. "That's 15 bodies.
"I don't think I could hire even one firefighter with benefits for $45,000. That's probably in the range of their salary, but by the time you start throwing in health riders and all the other things into it, it's definitely more than that."
The few thousand dollars a year any individual firefighter might make are hardly enough to earn a living. Most of the district's call/volunteer firefighters either have full-time jobs or are students at Williams College.
"When I joined the fire department, it was under Chief [Ed] McGowan," Pedercini said. "I always remember sitting down with him and the foreman of the company and answering the basic questions. Then they would tell you the same things I tell my people now about the job and say, 'You're going to get a stipend.' I think we got $5.50 an hour or something, but that was 35 years ago.
"I remember Ed McGowan saying, 'We pay you to go to calls and stuff, but if that's the reason you're joining, it's not worth it. You're not going to make a living at it.' "
Pedercini said that the men and women who walk through the door at the Water Street station are not looking to make money and usually are surprised when they hear about the hourly rate during the interview process. And there have been members of the department who have declined to take the checks.
"It's nice to know they're not here for the money," Pedercini said. "The other side of that is that they effectively volunteer their time 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. That's a big part of it. You can spin the word 'volunteer' and so forth a lot of ways. But they don't have to get up in the middle of the night to answer a call. They do it anyway."

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Guest Column: Full Steam Ahead: Bringing Back the Northern Tier Passenger Railroad

by Thomas HuckansGuest Column

You only need a glance outside to see a problem all too familiar to Berkshire county: closing businesses, a shrinking population, and a stunning lack of regional investment.

But 70 years ago, this wasn't an issue. On the North Adams-Boston passenger rail line before the '60s, Berkshires residents could easily go to Boston and back in a day, and the region benefited from economic influx. But as cars supplanted trains, the Northern Tier was terminated, and now only freight trains regularly use the line.

We now have a wonderful opportunity to bring back passenger rail: Bill S.2054, sponsored by state Sen. Jo Comerford (D-Hampshire, Franklin, and Worcester), was passed to study the potential for restoring rail from Boston to North Adams. In the final phase of MassDOT's study, the project is acquiring increased support and momentum. The rail's value cannot be understated: it would serve the Berkshire region, the state, and the environment by reducing traffic congestion, fostering economic growth, and cutting carbon emissions. The best part? All of us can take action to push the project forward.

Importantly, the Northern Tier would combat the inequity in infrastructure investment between eastern and western Massachusetts. For decades, the state has poured money into Boston-area projects. Perhaps the most infamous example is the Big Dig, a car infrastructure investment subject to endless delays, problems, and scandals, sucking up $24.3 billion. Considering the economic stagnation in Western Massachusetts, the disparity couldn't come at a worse time: Berkshire County was the only county in Massachusetts to report an overall population loss in the latest census.

The Northern Tier could rectify that imbalance. During the construction phase alone, 4,000 jobs and $2.3 billion of economic output would be created. After that, the existence of passenger rail would encourage Bostonians to live farther outside the city. Overall, this could lead to a population increase and greater investment in communities nearby stops. In addition to reducing carbon emissions, adding rail travel options could help reduce traffic congestion and noise pollution along Route 2 and the MassPike.

The most viable plan would take under three hours from North Adams to Shelburne Falls, Greenfield, Athol, Gardner, Fitchburg, Porter, and North Station, and would cost just under $1.6 billion.

A common critique of the Northern Tier Rail Restoration is its price tag. However, the project would take advantage of the expansion of federal and state funds, namely through $80 billion the Department of Transportation has to allocate to transportation projects. Moreover, compared to similar rail projects (like the $4 billion planned southern Massachusetts East-West line), the Northern Tier would be remarkably cheap.

One advantage? There's no need to lay new tracks. Aside from certain track upgrades, the major construction for the Northern Tier would be stations and crossings, thus its remarkably short construction phase of two to four years. In comparison, the Hartford line, running from Hartford, Conn., to Springfield spans barely 30 miles, yet cost $750 million.

In contrast, the Northern Tier would stretch over 140 miles for just over double the price.

So what can we do? A key obstacle to the Northern Tier passing through MassDOT is its estimated ridership and projected economic and environmental benefits. All of these metrics are undercounted in the most recent study.

Crucially, many drivers don't use the route that MassDOT assumes in its models as the alternative to the rail line, Route 2. due to its congestion and windy roads. In fact, even as far west as Greenfield, navigation services will recommend drivers take I-90, increasing the vehicle miles traveled and the ensuing carbon footprint.

Seeking to capture the discrepancy, a student-led Northern Tier research team from Williams College has developed and distributed a driving survey, which has already shown more than half of Williams students take the interstate to Boston. Taking the survey is an excellent way to contribute, as all data (which is anonymous) will be sent to MassDOT to factor into their benefit-cost analysis. This link takes you to the 60-second survey.

Another way to help is to spread the word. Talk to local family, friends, and community members, raising awareness of the project's benefits for our region. Attend MassDOT online meetings, and send state legislators and local officials a short letter or email letting them know you support the Northern Tier Passenger Rail Project. If you feel especially motivated, the Williams Northern Tier Research team, in collaboration with the Center for Learning in Action (CLiA), would welcome support.

Living far from the powerbrokers in Boston, it's easy to feel powerless to make positive change for our greater community. But with your support, the Northern Tier Rail can become reality, bringing investment back to Berkshire County, making the world greener, and improving the lives of generations of western Massachusetts residents to come.

Thomas Huckans, class of 2026, is a political science and astronomy major at Williams College, originally from Bloomsburg, Pa.

Survey: This survey records driving patterns from Berkshire county to Boston, specifically route and time. It also captures interest in the restoration of the Northern Tier Passenger Rail. Filling out this survey is a massive help for the cause, and all responses are greatly appreciated. Use this link.

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