Letter: Unethical Fire District Maneuver

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To the Editor:

The Williamstown Fire District recently released a "Comparison of Size of Proposed Williamstown Fire Station to Other Fire Stations" chart on their official website. The purpose of this data was to educate residents about the sizes of fire stations recently built in the region compared to what Williamstown is proposing to gain support.

During the Jan. 25, 2023, Fire District Prudential Committee meeting (recorded by willinet.org) I asked the District if they knew the information on their data chart was incorrect. For example, under the section "Station Size," the communities of Holden (36,450 square feet), Sharon (42,460 square feet), Medfield (41,022 square feet), and Plainville (43,644 square feet) are combined police/fire buildings, (in the case of Plainville, a police/fire/town hall complex), not a stand-alone fire station as suggested by the District.

District Building Committee member James Kolesar answered the question indicating the District was "indeed" aware the numbers were not accurate, stating in part, "... not meant to be overly precise or a formula, its meant to give a general sense of the size, square foot ...", I responded to Mr. Kolesar by reminding him that nowhere on the District's website does the District provide such a disclaimer.

It is remarkably disingenuous for the District to publicize false information. The District has a responsibility to the taxpayer to provide accurate information when asking them to support a $20-plus million project. Regardless of the reason, the Williamstown Fire District has obliterated its credibility.

Scott McGowan
Williamstown, Mass. 




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Vice Chair Vote Highlights Fissure on Williamstown Select Board

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — A seemingly mundane decision about deciding on a board officer devolved into a critique of one member's service at Monday's Select Board meeting.
The recent departure of Andrew Hogeland left vacant the position of vice chair on the five-person board. On Monday, the board spent a second meeting discussing whether and how to fill that seat for the remainder of its 2024-25 term.
Ultimately, the board voted, 3-1-1, to install Stephanie Boyd in that position, a decision that came after a lengthy conversation and a 2-2-1 vote against assigning the role to a different member of the panel.
Chair Jane Patton nominated Jeffrey Johnson for vice chair after explaining her reasons not to support Boyd, who had expressed interest in serving.
Patton said members in leadership roles need to demonstrate they are "part of the team" and gave reasons why Boyd does not fit that bill.
Patton pointed to Boyd's statement at a June 5 meeting that she did not want to serve on the Diversity, Inclusion and Racial Equity Committee, instead choosing to focus on work in which she already is heavily engaged on the Carbon Dioxide Lowering (COOL) Committee.
"We've talked, Jeff [Johnson] and I, about how critical we think it is for a Select Board member to participate in other town committees," Patton said on Monday. "I know you participate with the COOL Committee, but, especially DIRE, you weren't interested in that."
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