Pittsfield 2024 Annual Action Plan Input Session

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The city of Pittsfield's Department of Community Development is sponsoring a public hearing and input session at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15, as part of the preparation of its 2024 Annual Action Plan.
The hearing will be held virtually via Zoom. A registration link can be obtained at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QZjXgjt3ScGVXSUE7j84Kg
The purpose of the public hearing is to obtain public comments and suggestions on how the city's federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds should be used to improve the quality of life in the community. Those attending the public input sessions will be given the opportunity to speak about the community issues that are important to them, such as: housing rehabilitation and demolition of vacant buildings; public facilities and park improvements; economic development and job opportunities; and public or human services. The public hearing will be simultaneously conducted in English and Spanish.
Information gathered from the session will be used during the preparation of the city's Annual Action Plan.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that the city prepare an Annual Action Plan each year. Funded projects included in the plan are required to benefit individuals with low and moderate-income, eliminate slums and blight, or address an urgent need.
The plan be available in draft form in mid-April for the public to review and comment. It will also undergo a formal adoption process, including a public hearing that will be advertised. The draft Annual Action Plan will also be available on the city's website during a 30-day public comment and review period in April. After the public comment period, the draft plan will be completed by the middle of May and the final plan will be submitted to HUD shortly thereafter.
Participants can also register for the session by contacting Nate Joyner either via email njoyner@cityofpittsfield.org or by phone at 413-499-9358. For those who would like to participate by telephone, please call 301-715-8592, enter the meeting ID, 874 8860 1307, press # enter passcode, 218505. Press # again.
If residents are unable to attend the public input sessions, they are welcome to submit their comments to the Department of Community Development, City Hall, 70 Allen St., Room 205, Pittsfield, MA; by phone at 413-499-9358 or TTY at 413-499-9340; and by email to njoyner@cityofpittsfield.org.
Persons with special needs should contact the Department of Community Development and every effort will be made to accommodate their requests.

Tags: community development,   

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Safety Solutions Proposed for Berkshire Mall Intersection

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff
LANESBOROUGH, Mass. — A speed bump and traffic mirror have been proposed at the reportedly problematic intersection of Old State Road and the Berkshire Mall entrance.
Last week, abutters approached the Select Board with concerns about drivers ignoring stop signs and speeding through the area. Target owns its building and is the lone business left on the property.   
"When you turn into Old State Road, our driveways are right there," Judy Bennett said. "Nobody stops, nobody slows down to come around that corner. They go faster and that's where someone is going to get hurt."
Carl Bennett added, "We are taking our lives into our own hands when we pull out during the day."
The Old State Road bridge connects the mall and Old State Road to Route 8. Abutter Pauline Hunt would like to see it closed entirely, making the Connector Road the access point from Route 8.
"That entrance isn't necessary," she said.
"It's chaos. There's an entrance over by the bike path that would serve everybody, there would be no problem, and there are lights at the end of it, it's a dream to get into there. I don't see the reason that chaos is there."
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