Governor Baker Makes Appointments to MassDOT Board of Directors

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BOSTON?—?Governor Charlie Baker today announced the appointment of Timothy Whelan and Joseph Beggan to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Board of Directors. 
The Governor also reappointed current Board members Dean Mazzarella and Timothy King whose terms will be extended.  
"Representative Timothy Whelan and Joseph Beggan have years of experience in private and public service that make them both well-suited candidates for the MassDOT Board of Directors," said Governor Charlie Baker. "We are also proud to extend the terms of Dean Mazzarella and Timothy King who have been valuable members of the Board in their previous terms." 
Timothy Whelan most recently served as a State Representative representing the 1st District of Barnstable and has served in the Massachusetts Legislature since 2013. Representative Whelan also served in the United States Marine Corps and as a member of the Massachusetts State Police, where he attained the rank of Sergeant. In the State Police, Whelan gained experience in the fields of Commercial Vehicle Enforcement and Incident Management. He has traveled to other states to instruct in the fields of Hazardous Material and Bulk Package transportation on behalf of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. 
Joseph Beggan brings more than 35 years of transportation experience in municipal, private sector and institutional roles. For over 10 years, he served in the City of Boston Transportation Department, 12 years as a consultant for TetraTech/Rizzo; and 13 years at Harvard University, until his retirement in 2021. Mr. Beggan is the past president of ITS Massachusetts, a former chair of the BSCES Transportation Committee and a member of the WalkBoston Board of Directors. He also represented Harvard on A Better City's Board of Directors, Cambridge's Transit Advisory Committee and Boston's Bicycle Advisory Committee.   

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Dalton Health Board Extends Vote on Blighted Home

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — The Board of Health last Wednesday agreed to extend its vote on condemning 27 Mountain View Terrace to the October meeting. 
Roberta Steele and her niece, Kathleen Winterstein, who lives in Utah, have been working since June to develop a plan to address the home's condition. 
Steele has been cited several safety issues with the home, including clutter blocking egresses, a collapsing roof and porch, mold throughout the house, especially in the basement where there is water damage, and the lack of water, electricity, and gas. 
Neighbors have complained that rats coming from the "abandoned" property have infested their homes.
Winterstein has provided the board with invoices and a projected timeline of the work and board Chair Robert Kinzer had wanted to see action, invoices, and a plan by last week's meeting. 
"Things do come up and my background is a criminal prosecutor and a defense attorney. It gets suspicious when things are always brought up at the last minute," Kinzer said. 
"[When] there's mysterious circumstances, but I haven't seen anything personally that makes me question it, other than the timing of it."
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