Adams Selectmen Approve Town Licenses

By Brian RhodesPrint Story | Email Story

ADAMS, Mass. — The Board of Selectmen has approved the renewal of all the licenses for the town. 


The board approved the licenses largely without issues at its meeting on Wednesday. Approved licenses include alcohol licenses, Sunday and Weekly entertainment licenses, common victualer licenses, auto sales, inn and lodging licenses. 


The board had a significant discussion about Mount Royal Inn, ultimately tabling its lodging license. Board Vice-Chair Christine Hoyt, a member of the board's Local Licensing Authority Subcommittee, said the business has not submitted any licensing paperwork, and is having other payment and inspection-related issues. 


"I know that in the last two years, especially for licensing, we've had to issue a certified letter to Mount Royal Inn about the process and deadlines and so forth," she said. "I ask that another letter be sent and that they be asked to come to our December 21 meeting to address concerns and answer any questions that we might have." 


Building Commissioner Gerald Garner said he and several other town staff have been monitoring multiple potential code violations, including guests staying too long, inadequate book keeping and issues with the fire system. 


"The building down there is not being utilized for the purpose that the license that has been issued is for," he said. "... I've been checking with the police department, and they're having just as much difficulty as I am trying to get information from the owner and the workers that are there." 


The town had similar problems with the Inn the last several years regarding licensing paperwork and other communication issues. Town Administrator Jay Green said the town and its employees have done everything possible to try and resolve these issues with the Inn's ownership.


"We had a variety of people with the motel management and tried to explain what our concerns were, a path forward to try to address it, and I think it's very clear that that's not being returned in good faith," he said.


Hoyt said timely approval of the alcohol licenses was important, as they have to be sent as a package to the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission. 


"That does need to go to the ABCC following tonight's meeting to make sure that it goes through the ABCC's renewal process in time for January 1 for license holders to be able to operate come January 1," she said. 


In other business, the board approved the appointment of Board Member Joseph Nowak to the Woodlands Partnership of Western Massachusetts. Nowak had already been the town's representative in the partnership. 


  • The board discussed the board's meeting agenda topics. Nowak referenced agenda item reports from the Town Administrator and Town Counsel, which he said he's received calls about after their absence at recent meetings. 


"[Residents] want a little transparency. That's all I'm talking about, is transparency. I don't think it's asking too much for our town administrator and our town council are getting a salary to come in and talk to the people," Nowak said. 


Board Chair John Duval said general reports on the agenda are often confusing. He said he thinks Board members and community members asking for specific agenda items before the meeting is more helpful for everyone.


"If there's something that any member on this board would like to see on the agenda, please pass it forward and we'll put it on an agenda and we will research it and get the information and have a good, positive discussion," Duval said.  


  • The board approved the dog license fees for the upcoming licensing period. Green said the fees have not changed since last year. 



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United Counseling Service Wins Wellness Award

BENNINGTON, Vt. — United Counseling Service is a winner of the 2024 Vermont Governor's Excellence in Worksite Wellness Gold Level Award, presented by the Vermont Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports in partnership with the Vermont Department of Health. 
This award is presented each year to organizations across the state that make employee wellness a priority.
The UCS Worksite Wellness Committee engaged staff in several worksite wellness initiatives this year, including a Community Supported Agriculture program in partnership with Full Well Farm in Adams, Mass., chair massages for staff, a potluck soup event for staff, quarterly lunches at rotating office locations, and facilitating ergonomic updates for workspaces following recent ergonomic assessments.
"We are honored to receive the Excellence in Worksite Wellness Gold Level Award," said Amy Fela, director of operations and co-chair of the Wellness Committee. "This achievement highlights our ongoing dedication to creating a supportive and healthy work environment."
UCS is a private, non-profit community mental health center that has been a part of Bennington County's integrated health-care system since 1958. The organization has been designated as a Center of Excellence by Vermont Care Partners.
Learn more about the Department of Health's Worksite Wellness Awards here. Learn more about United Counseling Service here.
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