Clarksburg Planners Continue Cannabis Dispensary Hearing

By Brian RhodesiBerkshires Staff
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CLARKSBURG, Mass. — The Planning Board has approved continued a hearing on a special permit submitted by New England Regional Dispensaries (NERD) to operate a cannabis dispensary on Cross Road. 


The board granted the special permit did not have a quorum at its meeting on Wednesday because one member was absent and another abstained.


The board will meet Wednesday, Dec. 14, at noon at the Community Center.


However, Chad Cellana, the founder of NERD, said if all goes well, he expects to be ready for operation in March. 


"We've already signed the local host community agreement and have been provisionally licensed with the state, pending the special permit and a commission inspection," he said. 


Board Chair Karin Robert said she was concerned about potential parking issues. Robert also asked if NERD got permission to operate on Sunday, which Cellana said was something he would consider and look into in the future.


"The [police] chief addressed [parking concerns] in his letter, saying if traffic becomes an issue, we can make it a right turn only out of that driveway or put up some mirrors and or get a detail," he said. 


Cellana said the state Department of Environmental Protection and the Conservation Commission have already approved site plans for an accompanying cultivation facility. He explained, however, it is unlikely that part of the operation will be ready for next year. 


"So once the funding shows up, we can get that rolling. It's a 2024 project at this point," Cellana said. 


The greenhouse would be on property owned by John Cellana, Chad's business partner and uncle, and board member Erin Scott, who recused herself from the vote to approve the permit. Scott's father, Clebe Scott, is the chair of the Conservation Commission. 


In other business, the board approved a land subdivision submitted by BEK Associates on behalf of Mary and Gus Giron. The board had planned to review the town's subdivision bylaws but waited as board member Ron Boucher could not attend the meeting. 


Update on Dec. 8: the board apparently could not approve the permit on Wednesday and has scheduled another meeting. 

Tags: cannabis,   Planning Board,   

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Residents Still Having Issues with Sand from Berkshire Concrete

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff

Planners Donald Davis, left, Robert Collins and Zack McCain III hear from residents of the Pleasant Street area. 
DALTON, Mass. — Town officials say they are taking residents' concerns seriously regarding the dust and particulates coating bordering neighborhoods from Berkshire Concrete's unauthorized dig site, which is allegedly causing health issues.
In February, the town ordered Berkshire Concrete to stop work because of a "clerical error" that led to the improper notification of abutters. The parcel being excavated, No. 105-16, was not included in the permit application despite being shown on the submitted site map.
At the advice of town counsel, all work has stopped, and Berkshire Concrete will be required to reapply for this permit under this parcel number.
The Planning Board will be reviewing the mitigation plan recently submitted by Berkshire Concrete and will discuss it at a future meeting. 
Although the work has ceased, residents say that they are still experiencing issues because the sand from the dig site is still accessible to the wind. 
During Wednesday's Planning Board meeting, more than 50 residents attended, online and in person, to highlight what they have said at several meetings — the need for the town to take action to protect the community's health and environment from the sand leaving the dig site.  
Community members voiced frustration over being shuffled among various boards to address their complaints and called for improved collaborative communication between boards and departments.
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