Housatonic Water to Hold Meeting on Manganese Pilot Study
GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — Housatonic Water Works (HWW) invites customers to join an informational Zoom meeting on Nov. 15 at 6 p.m. to hear an update on HWW's manganese removal pilot study.
The meeting will also include information about issues affecting levels of haloacetic acid that have been detected in the HWW water system.
The webinar ID is 883 3963 4831.
The meeting can also be accessed on the HWW website
The town has also posted the event on the town calendar with live links to log-in information.
According to HWW, the company's engineer:
"Robert Ferrari of Northeast Water Solutions will detail the results of the GreensandPlus filtration pilot study that was conducted in September. The pilot study is a small-scale version of the treatment equipment that the company seeks to use to remove manganese."
"The meeting offers an opportunity for our customers to see what we are doing to address these problems and ask questions and we encourage all customers to attend," according to a HWW press release.
Tags: water,