Berkshire Organizations Partner to Launch New Website to Help Grant Seekers

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Berkshire Funding Focus (BFF), a new initiative established to support Berkshire County entities seeking federal and state funds for pandemic-related recovery and rebuilding, launched its website in November.
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission and several partner agencies joined to form BFF in response to a need for a clearinghouse focused on the investment of COVID-19 recovery dollars into the region, to improve the well-being of community members. The initiative provides support for four core groups of potential grant seekers: non-profits, municipalities, school districts, and entrepreneurs.
According to a press release, Berkshire County needs financial resources to recover, rebuild, and revive. An unprecedented amount of federal and state dollars are available, beginning with the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES), and continuing through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), and the Inflation Reduction Act.
Berkshire Funding Focus is here to serve the region as a clearinghouse that:
  • Curates state and federal funding announcements
  • Builds capacity by offering regular training programs for potential applicants
  • Convenes potential partners to explore collaborative and competitive proposals
  • Consults with organizations seeking assistance to help answer questions and navigate applications
"Berkshire Funding Focus is already providing benefits," said Karen Pelto, Recovery Grant Specialist. "We've been able to convene groups to partner on grant applications that will be more competitive and more impactful for the region."
The Berkshire Funding Focus website launched on Nov. 1, immediately offering a suite of resources to small businesses, entrepreneurs, cities or towns, school districts, colleges, and non-profits across the Berkshires. A full calendar of workshops and webinars to help grant seekers create stronger applications and be better prepared to manage funds can be found on the website, along with a resource library containing guidance on grant writing, including glossaries to help decipher terminology used by grant makers. In the "opportunities" section, a curated list of currently available grants can be sorted by category (what type of work the grant will fund) topics (what the funders want to support) and audience (who is eligible to receive the funding.)
Members of the initiative's Advisory Committee include Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, which serves as the host agency, along with 1Berkshire, BERK-12, Berkshire Bank Foundation, Berkshire Black Economic Council, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, Berkshire United Way, Health Resources in Action, Nonprofit Center of the Berkshires, and Volunteers in Medicine.

Tags: BRPC,   COVID-19,   

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Berkshire Athenaeum Seed Library Open for the Season

By Breanna SteeleiBerkshires Staff

Adult services staff Olivia Bowers and Tom Jorgenson cut the green ribbon on the seed library, opening the program for the season.
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The Berkshire Athenaeum hosted a ribbon cutting for the seasonal opening of its seed library on Saturday.
The athenaeum has had a seed library since 2018 and last year had 217 program members.
"It always gets really great membership," Adult Services and Programming Supervisor Olivia Bowers said, "but we really want to advertise that it's available. It's a resource for free seeds to grow healthy vegetables, grow flower gardens and really enjoy nature in the Berkshires."
The seed library is funded by the volunteer organization Friends of the Berkshire Athenaeum, which raises funds for the library programming and needs.
People who want to get seeds must have a library card to sign up. 
Members are able to sign out up to 10 seed packets for the season but are also encouraged to exchange seeds from what they grow or get.
"The idea is that, yes, it actually is a library, you can take things but we also encourage you to bring seeds back to us and we can use those again for next year," Bowers said.
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