Lenco, Berkshire Veterans Outreach Center, Develop Website

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Lenco Armored Vehicles has announced that it is partnering with Berkshire Veterans Outreach Center to develop a new website that will serve as a way for local veterans to access the services they need, with an emphasis on suicide prevention and PTSD awareness.

Donated by Lenco Armored Vehicles and built by Brick House Web Design, the new site will meet veterans and their families where they are and help ease concerns about taking the first steps to reach out for assistance. The site will encourage local veterans to access the Center’s free services and understand what options are available to them.

"Lenco is committed to protecting the defenders that serve our country, especially here in our community in Western Massachusetts," said Lenny Light, vice president of Lenco Armored Vehicles. "We are so proud to partner with Berkshire Veterans Outreach Center to improve access to the important services they provide veterans and their families."

Berkshire Veterans Outreach Center has been integral in supporting 7,000-8,000 local veterans like Edward Casella and their families with free services from disability claims to homelessness issues.

"The Berkshire Veterans Outreach Center backed me up 100% and were able to navigate the red tape of the VA and helped me get through the process with far less difficulty," Casella said. "I never felt like I was just a number to them. I was denied important benefits and the Center helped me win my appeal with their hard work and guidance."

"As a veteran, I’ve experienced firsthand the important role this center plays and the value it brings to the local community," said Steve Schultze, director of Berkshire Veterans Outreach Center. "Lenco’s generosity and support will help us expand our efforts to serve the veteran community in Berkshire County and help even more veterans tackle the issues they face after they serve our country."

To learn more about Berkshire Veterans Outreach Center, visit: BerkshireVeterans.com

Tags: Lenco,   veterans services,   

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Berkshire United Way Kicks Off 2024 Campaign, Honors Fundraising Coordinator

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

President and CEO Thomas Bernard spoke to school and career readiness as critical to laying the foundations for later success. Berkshire United Way partners with local educational programs.

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Berkshire United Way has recognized Susie Brown for decades of leadership in fundraising efforts at Lee Bank.

Last week, she was presented with the Employee Campaign Coordinator Award for her work as the co-chair for employee giving campaigns at the bank since the 1980s. Brown, the senior vice president of administration, has inspired 100 percent (or close to) participation for many years.

"I love the United Way and have always loved the United Way but I don't do it alone," she said.

"The employees of Lee Bank have helped me for 35-plus years do these campaigns and made them successful."

Brown urged campaign coordinators to look at local agencies being funded and how employees' support will impact them. More than 4,000 employee donors from 140 local companies help raise around 65 percent of BUW's annual campaign from contributions, matching gifts, in-kind products and services, and more.

"The successful part of what we do at Lee Bank is you bring that back to the employees," she said.

"Yes, it's fun to do fun things to raise the money but when you make your employees aware of what's happening in your communities and what these agencies are doing for your communities — They don't know. They don't recognize all these little communities, all these little agencies, and all the people they help."

The Country Club of Pittsfield was packed with supporters for the campaign kickoff Friday morning.

Last year, BUW set out to raise $2.1 million and raised just over $2.2 million. A $2,300,000 goal has been set for this year's campaign with three strategic priorities: household stability, school and career readiness, and mental health.

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