Adams Animal Rescue to Host Fundraiser for 'Roxy'
ADAMS, Mass. — Roxy, a pit bull mix found sick and malnourished in July by Adams Animal Control, is in better health under the care of Kathy "Skippy" Hynes of animal rescue Got Spots Etc.
Hynes said Roxy has been in her care since July, noting that her condition has improved significantly in the last few months. Got Spots Etc. is hosting a fundraiser on Saturday, Dec. 4, at 2:30 p.m. at the Firehouse Cafe on Park Street from for Roxy and the other dogs at the rescue.
Hynes said Animal Control Officer Kimberly Witek contacted her about caring for Roxy shortly after Adams Police found her and opened an investigation into animal neglect. She said Roxy has several health problems, including poor vision, a cancerous tumor and diabetes.
"You could see her vision was so poor. She was bumping into things," she said. "And she was so skinny, and so she stayed with me."
While Roxy is still dealing with health-related issues, Hynes said she is doing much better now. She also said, after figuring out the correct insulin dosage, Roxy's sugar levels have become stable.
"Now Roxy bounces around," she said. "And when I take her for a walk, she's peppy like a puppy."
Hynes explicitly thanked Witek for making sure Roxy got the care she needed. She also thanked Police Officer Travis Cunningham, the officer investigating the case.
"If Kim Witek did not have the heart she has, the dog probably would have been sent somewhere and put to sleep," she said. "Kim Witek was instrumental in making sure this dog got to a veterinarian promptly."
While Witek and Cunningham were unable to speak publicly about the specifics of the investigation, Police Chief K. Scott Kelley said the animal's health is usually the priority in these kinds of cases, especially when it came to Roxy.
"That was a no-brainer for me," he said. "Just make sure this dog is taken care of."
Kelley said work on the case has been ongoing for the last several months. He explained that since multiple people were involved with Roxy before Animal Control found her, it takes a long time to piece together events and figure out exactly what happened.
"The ultimate goal here is, when we do present something, we want to make sure that it's right and everything is prepared," he said.
Hynes said she hopes people lookout for potential cases of animal neglect and alert the necessary authorities if necessary.
"If you see an animal tied up in inclement weather, keep an eye on it, and if the animal stays out too long, call the police," she said. "Because that animal could be left out there for hours. Especially if it's winter or summer with no shelter."
Those interested in attending the Got Spots Etc. fundraiser can visit The fundraiser will feature Pam Ellis, the "Berkshire Medium," and costs $45 to register to attend. Space is limited.
Tags: animal rescue, dogs, fundraiser,