Letter: Biodegradable Straws Good for Environment

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To the Editor:

Plastic straws have been shown to injure wildlife — particularly turtles and seals — and the environment in general.

If people stopped using straws in North Adams alone for a year — at a rate of 1.6 straws a day per person, on average in the U.S., and with a census of 13,657 people in 2013 — that would equal 584 straws per person a year, or 7,975,688 straws.

One alternative is straws made of polyhydroxyalkanoate, or PHA, which is plant-based and biodegradable.

One can purchase 10,000 such straws for $300.

I would like to note that Cafe Brewhaha serves paper straws and the Wild Oats Co-op sells them.

Patrick Hernandez
North Adams, Mass. 



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Clarksburg Joining Drug Prevention Coalition

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
CLARKSBURG, Mass. — The Select Board has agreed to join a collaborative effort for drug prevention and harm reduction.
The new coalition will hire a North County community coordinator who will be headquartered on the North Adams Regional Hospital campus and who oversee allocations for harm reduction, education and prevention efforts. Berkshire Health Systems has also committed about $120,000 over the next five years. 
Clarksburg, one of the first communities to sign on to the opioid lawsuit filed by a consortium of states several years ago, has so far received payouts of $23,594.78. It's expected to receive nearly $64,000 by the end of the 16-year payout. 
In October, the board had discussed whether to pool that money with other communities, expressing concerns that the small town would not receive enough benefits.
"Anytime there's a pooling of money I think countywide, I think we know where the bulk goes to," said member Colton Andrew said Monday. "I'm more open to the idea of keeping the money here but open to hearing your intentions and how the mony will be allocated."
Chair Robert Norcross said he felt there seemed to be a focus on harm reduction, such as the use of Narcan, and not enough for prevention or problem-solving.
But after hearing from members of the nascent coalition, members voted Monday night to partner with other Northern Berkshire communities.
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