Poseidon Coffee Looking to Open at Adams Visitors Center
ADAMS, Mass. — Todd Fiorentino of Pittsfield's Poseidon Coffee kiosk is planning to move to Adams.
He is hoping to operate a coffeee kiosk on the side of the Visitors Center, abutting the Ashuwillticook Rail Trail. Fiorentino wants to sell coffees for around $2, and will likely be open during the spring, summer, and fall from morning until the early afternoon.
Fiorentino told the Selectmen, sitting as the licensing subcommittee, last week that he wants to obtain a seasonal liquor license in order to sell Irish coffees and other similar beverages, especially during outdoor events held at the Visitors Center.
"The idea with the liquor license was really to help in terms of long-term sustainability of the company," he said,point out that "liquor just has a higher profit margin."
Vice Chairwoman Christine Hoyt and Selectman Richard Blanchard questioned Fior and Town Administrator Jay Green, as well as Town Counsel Edmund St. John III, about the particularities of the liquor license. They wanted to know, for instance, if selling alcoholic beverages out in the open would pose a problem to town safety, among other things.
While brainstorming ways to deal with the issue, Fiorentino said that he could "create a designated area, possibly with … retractable tape," to keep customers with alcoholic beverages contained in that space.
If need be, Fiorentino said he would be willing to open the kiosk without the liquor license and only sell coffee at first, but he wants to get this squared away so that he can expand and sell local, craft alcoholic beverages along with the local coffee.
The subcommittee did not make any decisions at this meeting regarding the planned kiosk.
Tags: coffeeshop,