Letter: Bridge/Road repair

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To the Editor:

I sympathize with the people on Holmes Road with their bridge in disrepair. Just come on out to the Peck's Road Causeway, Hancock area, and you'll see more barrels and barriers and one-lane lights in such a small area.

It's a shame that the city has let its infrastructure get that bad but mind you we've got bike paths and one-way roads and beautification on North Street. It reminds me of Atlantic City ,one block off of North Street and it turns into a city of disrepair with rising crime!

David Casey
Pittsfield, Mass. 



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Senator Mark December Staff Office Hours

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — State Senator Paul W. Mark announced that his staff will host office hours at five locations in Berkshire County in December.
Residents of any of the 57 municipalities in the Senator's Berkshire, Hampden, Franklin, and Hampshire District are encouraged to share ideas on current or potential state legislation, or to ask for assistance with issues involving any state agency.
Appointments are not required.
  • Adams: Tuesday, Dec. 3 and Tuesday, Dec.  17th from 9 a.m. to noon. Town Hall, 8 Park St., Adams.
  • Dalton: Monday, Dec. 2 from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.. Senior Center, 40 Field St., Dalton.
  • Great Barrington: Monday, Dec. 2 from 9 a.m. to noon. Town Hall, 334 Main St., Great Barrington.
  • North Adams: Tuesday, Dec. 3 and Tuesday, Dec. 17 from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCLA Alumni Relations Building, 228 E. Main St., North Adams.
  • Pittsfield: Thursday, Dec. 12 from 9 a.m. to noon. District Office. 773 Tyler St., Pittsfield.
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