Letter: Thrill for Taconic to Play State Championship at Wahconah

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To the Editor:

As a high school coach, I cannot begin to describe the emotion and excitement that my players and coaches experienced on Monday during the MIAA D-III state championship at Wahconah Park. The thrill of being able to play the final game in our hometown, on the city-owned historic park, was amazing. To look up at the stands as they began to fill, and to see the faces of people of all ages painted along the fence and deep into the field, resonated with me throughout the day.

It is no small task to get to the state game, but it was an even greater task to perform the way that we did in front of our family, friends, teachers, neighbors, and residents. Truth be told, it was your cheers and clapping, chanting, and demonstration of love and support that rallied our players in the dugout and on the field. Given the many obstacles and challenges that everyone has faced for the past year and a half, it was a great day of baseball and a great day for Pittsfield.

There are many thoughts racing through my mind the day after a state championship, but for now, I will say "thank you." Thank you to the school department for protecting our season, the city for allowing us to play on “their” field, the parents for supporting your sons each and every day, the players for their endless dedication to the sport, the coaches for their tireless work, and finally, the fans, for your love of baseball.

"In baseball as in life, all the important things happen at HOME." In closing, and on behalf of the Taconic High School baseball team, my players, and my full coaching staff, thank you! Go Braves!


Kevin Stannard
Taconic High School
varsity baseball coach 

Pittsfield, Mass.



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Dalton Division Road Project in Pre-25 Percent Design Stage

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — The town's engineers say there is still time to work through the Dalton Division Road project’s design and permitting process. 
In December, the Select Board voted to advocate for Concept A, which would have sidewalks on both sides, a 5-foot bike lane in the road on both sides with a buffer, and a 2-foot painted buffer between the vehicle lane and in the bike lane. They also recommended the two-way stop control option. 
Since that decision, there have been sentiments to revisit this decision to reduce the cost and improve safety at the intersection off Williams Street, Washington Mountain Road, and Mountain Road. 
The original vote would have been the most expensive and "certainly not" the engineer or the state's "preferred design," Town Manager Thomas Hutcheson said during a meeting in November. 
During last week's Select Board meeting, Fuss & O'Neil project manager and senior traffic engineer Steve Savaria represented the options, explained potential obstacles, and demonstrated the next steps. Present board members have yet to vote on their final choice. 
The project is still in the pre-25 percent design stage and is currently on the fiscal year 2029 Transportation Improvement Program list, so there is "plenty of time" to work out the details. 
Since the original vote, some board members have shifted their opinion toward advocating for the most feasible and timely option with a "path of least resistance to get this project done." 
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