Pignatelli, Barrett File Bill to Establish Coronavirus Fund

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BOSTON — State Reps. William "Smitty" Pignatelli and John Barrett III have filed an emergency bill to establish a "COVID-19 Quarantine Assistance Fund."
The act would establish an account to be administered by the secretary of health and human services and to be funded through amounts transferred or authorized by the Legislature. 
The money would be expended as grants to residents of the commonwealth of Massachusetts who are unable to work during an infection, quarantine or isolation period caused by the novel coronavirus. 
"In this time of public health emergency, it is vital that we do all we can to assist those in Massachusetts who are negatively impacted by COVID-19," Pignatelli wrote in posting the bill's language on Facebook. "Through measured and appropriate responses, Massachusetts will be able to navigate and see the other side of this public health challenge."
The coronavirus has spread to more than 70 nations and, at last count, the state had about 100 presumed cases. Health officials are recommending those who have been exposed to the virus "self-quarantine" for two weeks since symptoms usually arise within within that time. The virus is easily passed through contact and air; "social distancing," staying about 6 feet away, is being encouraged. 
The two-week quarantine as well as the actual virus puts stress on individuals who may not be able to afford time without pay. 
"That is why today, Representative John Barrett and I have filed a bill to ensure that those who are financially vulnerable are not left behind," the Lee Democrat wrote. 

The bill currently has more than 50 legislative co-sponsors and counting.

"This legislation will provide much needed assistance to small business owners and furloughed employees who have no sick leave benefits,” said Barrett. "The ramifications of the coronavirus is far reaching and it is critical that action be taken now.”



Tags: COVID-19,   Legislature,   state officials,   

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Meeting on Potential Purchase of Housatonic Water Works

GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — The town will set an October outreach meeting to gain residents' feedback on draft findings from an investigation into the feasibility of the town acquiring and operating Housatonic Water Works. 
The decision over a town acquisition of HWW would ultimately be made by voters at a town meeting. 
The outreach discussion will follow several years of legal and financial study into the town's possible acquisition of the water company, due to water quality issues for many HWW customers. The town hired DPC Engineering from Longmeadow and Harwich Port to evaluate the potential operation and acquisition of HWW.
Town Manager Mark Pruhenski said he also hopes to clarify the role of the town manager and Selectboard in the HWW matter. 
"We are responsible for representing customers of Housatonic water in a pending rate case with the state Department of Public Utilities and for investigating the possibilities for a long-term solution to the ownership and operation of the company," said Pruhenski. 
The town Board of Health is accepting and forwarding water quality complaints to the state Department of Environmental Protection.
"While the Selectboard is focused on questions of potential future ownership and operation of HWW, we urge town residents to contact the Board of Health and state DEP regarding water quality," said Pruhenski.
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