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Capt. Matthew Kirchner was pinned with his new badge by his son Jackson.
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The seven officers promoted.
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Chief Michael Wynn.
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Capt. Michael Grady being pinned by Emily Grady.
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Lt. Glen Decker being pinned by Karen Decker.
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Lt. John Soules being pinned by Layla Soules.
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Sgt. James Parise being pinned by Stephanie Parise.
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Mayor Linda Tyer.
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A reception was held in the lobby following the ceremony.

Pittsfield Police Recognize Promotions Of Seven Officers

By Andy McKeeveriBerkshires Staff
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Gavin and Chase Dawley pinned the badge on Lt. Thomas Dawley.
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Seven members of the Police Department were recognized for earning promotions. 
Michael Grady and Matthew Kirchner were promoted to captain; Thomas Dawley, Glen Decker, and John Soules were promoted to lieutenant, and James Parise and Ryan Williams were promoted to sergeant.
The seven were celebrated at Taconic High School during the first pinning ceremony held by the department in a number of years.
"The role of commanders and supervisors in the Pittsfield Police Department is significant, it is key. I get a lot of credit for a lot of hard work that is done by a lot of other people. But it is the first-line supervisors, the mid-level managers, and the command staff that actually manage and maintain all of the functional stuff," said Police Chief Michael Wynn.
Each promoted officer was pinned with their new badge by loved ones. One by one the walked to the center of the stage to receive their recognition. 
The pinning ceremony is new for the department. It was implemented to recognize the accomplishments.
"Traditionally, the promotion of somebody within the Pittsfield Police Department is handled in a fairly informal fashion — maybe some photos in the chief's office or photos across the street at the clerk's office when taking the oath," Wynn said, later adding, "even the formal recognition that would have during or after a City Council meeting, when we'd take some photos in the hall, kind of fell by the wayside. For the last couple years it's been congratulations, here's your personnel order, come to work tomorrow, walk across the street when you get a minute take your oath of office."
Meanwhile, the Fire Department brought back formal pinning ceremonies. On one occasion there was a joint ceremony recognizing those being promoted in both departments, but that only happened once.
"Our brothers and sisters in the Pittsfield Fire Department in the last couple years have been making us look really bad. They've been doing promotional and pinning ceremonies, a couple of which I had the opportunity to be at as a guest and one of which the department had the opportunity to participate in when they first dusted off that idea," Wynn said. 
"But that one and only time we were there with our brothers from the red side, that kind of fell by the wayside again. That's not OK."
Wynn said the entire command staff has changed over the last 10 years and the current slate is a strong group. 
"My current commanders and my current supervisors are knocking it out of the park," Wynn said. "This has not been an easy 12-18 months. We've had a lot of departures. We've had a lot of departures in short notice. We had one tragic loss. We changed the method people get promoted from the traditional written exam to the assessment center. And all of these officers have stepped up, succeeded and excelled."
When the officers said they'd like to have a pinning ceremony again, Wynn told them to organize one. And the command staff did.
"I basically got instructions saying be here at this time and serve this role, we took care of the rest, chief. And that's awesome. That's how it is supposed to work," Wynn said. 
Mayor Linda Tyer provided remarks to recognize the efforts the promoted officers do every day. She said they earned the promotions because of dedication, training, expertise, and commitment to the profession.

The seven promoted were honored during a pinning ceremony on Monday. It is the first ceremony the department has held in years.
"The city of Pittsfield has entrusted you to protect life and property, to enforce laws, to conduct fair and thorough investigations, and to seek justice. You are highly trained and represent Pittsfield's Police Department and the city of Pittsfield with honor," Tyer said.
Tyer said she is briefed just about every day on departmental actions and said she is continually impressed.
"I am impressed by your willingness to extend yourselves beyond the basic in a million different ways. Every day you make decisions that affect the lives of the people that are your friends, neighbors, residents of our city," Tyer said.
She addressed the families of the officers, thanking them for their support and what they go through with a loved one in law enforcement.
Chaplain Russell Moody provided the invocation and benediction.
"We ask a special blessing upon those who accept the charge to lead men and women into our streets and down our thoroughfares to the boundaries of our fair city and beyond in the name of all that is good, honorable, and just," Moody said.
Officer Izinna Lytle sang the national anthem. The Honor Guard posted the colors. And light refreshments were provided in the lobby. The event was attended by current and former members of law enforcement, numerous family members, Sheriff Thomas Bowler, City Council President Peter Marchetti, and City Councilors Helen Moon, Anthony Simonelli, and Peter White.

Tags: pinning,   Pittsfield Police,   promotions,   

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PHS Graduate Departs to Colombia With Peace Corps

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — A 2018 Pittsfield High School graduate is dedicating her next couple of years to service in the Peace Corps.
Earlier this month, 24-year-old Kennedy Merriam departed to Colombia where she will serve as a co-English teacher for two years. She found her voice while studying Spanish in Pittsfield Public Schools and has made a career of it.
"I feel like right now, there is no better time than for me to give back and to learn from others, to work with others, and I think my biggest reason to serve would be to be able to grow myself with helping others but also having others help me grow and expand my knowledge, my beliefs," she said.
"It all narrows back to that word of giving back. I think every day I try to think of ways that I can give back, whether it be family, friends, or even strangers in our community. It's always in the back of my mind and I thought there was no other opportunity that I've found where it's that long of a time commitment to help others and be immersed in their culture like that."
Merriam is a former U.S. Youth Ambassador in the Department of the U.S. World Learning Program and graduated with a master of arts in Spanish at Bowling Green State University in Ohio last spring.
Her 13-year journey with language studies has taken her to Argentina, Spain, and now Colombia but it began in a sixth-grade classroom at Herberg Middle School. She struggled with a speech impediment growing up but learning a new language brought new-found confidence that continues today.
"Whenever I ever took that first class at Herberg in sixth grade, I remember that it just clicked learning a language other than English was like the first time in my life that I felt proud of something that I was doing," Merriam explained.
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