Lenox High School Names Top Students For 2012
Both students will speak at graduation ceremonies on Sunday, June 10, at 1 p.m. at Tanglewood.
Bravo, son of Albert and Janis Bravo of Lenox, is an accomplished scholar-athlete. He has played on the varsity soccer, basketball and baseball team, serving as captain for the soccer and basketball teams. In addition, he is a published scholar, with his "Union Membership Policies, Technological Innovation, and the Homestead Strike of 1892" apearing in the Concord Review. He has also been involved in Peer Education since 10th grade and has served the wider community with Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic.
He has received the Yale Book Award, the Alexis De Tocqueville Award and the Massachusetts Student Athlete Citizenship Award. In the fall, Bravo plans to attend Williams College, where he will be majoring in chemistry with a focus in biochemistry.
Moran, daughter of Michael and Janice Moran, also from Lenox, is also a talented student and athlete. She has played varsity and club soccer since eighth grade, was captain of the varsity team this past season and having earned the Sports, Citizenship and Scholarship Award and the Sportsmanship Team Award.
When she isn't involved in sports, Moran is actively involved in the Evergreen Club, working on the environment and SAVE — Students Against Violent Engagement — working on improving the lives of others around the world.
She has received the Wellesley College Book Award and the University of Rochester Xerox Award for Innovation and Information Technology. Moran also plans to attend Williams College, where she will be majoring in pre-med and chemistry.
Both students are members of the National Honor Society.
Tags: graduation 2012, valedictorian,