Election 2009: Alcombright Attacks 'Whisper Campaign'

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NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — Mayoral candidate Dick Alcombright said he is setting facts straight regarding issues that have surfaced during the campaign:

I have recently learned, during my first seriously contested election, that there are certain techniques that are political legends. So-called "whisper campaigns" are one of those techniques. Wikipedia defines a 'whisper campaign' as follows:

A whisper campaign is a method of persuasion in which damaging rumors or innuendo are spread about the target, while the source of the rumors seeks to avoid being detected while spreading them (for example, a political campaign might distribute anonymous fliers attacking the other candidate). (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whisper_campaign)

I am aware that there are whisper campaigns about my candidacy taking place in North Adams. I talk to people and they talk to me. Many of the "whispers" are flat-out laughable.

For example: "Dick Alcombright intends to eliminate the Fire Department and go to a volunteer force." In case I haven't talked to you personally about this, I believe the geography and terrain of North Adams, in addition to its aging housing stock, college, museum, hospital, high-rise housing and nursing home, just make that rumor silly. 

Another one I heard was that I would completely eliminate the teachers' health insurance. How could this possibly be true when I am the only mayoral candidate advocating for a review of the health insurance costs for all city employees and retirees? I would never consider eliminating health insurance coverage and, in fact, for an employer of the city's size, it would be prohibited by law.

Of more concern to me are two "whispers" that I am hearing more and more frequently as time goes by. First, apparently I am too nice of a guy to be mayor. It is rumored that I am not tough enough to do the difficult things and make the difficult decisions required of a mayor. The other "whisper" is that if I am elected, I will raise taxes. 

Please remember that I am a homeowner and taxpayer in this city and have been for over 30 years. If you have heard these whispers and have concerns, I urge you to contact me directly. I would like to address these whispers publically and will be issuing press releases on each of these rumors shortly.

I do not believe that the majority of the voters of North Adams are likely to fall for the whisper campaign that seems to be so active. I think North Adams voters can see right through this. I really do. I think the voters in North Adams want a respectful, thoughtful and professional government and if I'm wrong, you will let me know on Nov. 3. But, please, do it based on conversations with me and not on whispers or rumors.

If you have questions about my candidacy please call and ask me directly. That's why I'm doing this. I want to hear from you and I want you to hear from me. I won't be whispering to you. I will respond to you directly.

My responses are on my Web site if you would care to see them now. Thank you.

Together We Will Succeed

E-mail Alcombright at info@AlcombrightForMayor.com or call him at 413-663-5057. Also visit AlcombrightForMayor.com.

Submitted by the Committee to Elect Richard Alcombright
If you would like to contribute information on this article, contact us at info@iberkshires.com.

North Adams Wins to Even La Festa Series

iBerkshires.com Sports
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. -- Jayden Demotropolis went 2-for-4 Sunday morning to lead the North Adams La Festa team to an 11-5 win over the North End Dodgers at Joe Wolfe Field.
The win evened the 33rd edition of the La Festa Baseball Exchange at one win apiece with two games left to play in Boston on the weekend of Aug. 10 and 11.
The Bostonians won this year's series opener on Saturday night.
Jack Marlowe came off the bench to double and scored a pair of runs in Sunday's win.
Andrew Meany went 1-for-1 with an RBI.
He also earned the win in relief with four innings of work on the mound. Meany struck out two and allowed two runs after taking the ball from Hayden Barrett, who struck out five and allowed one earned run in three innings of work.
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