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Williamstown Charter Review Committee Discusses Australian Ballot

The committee last week took no votes on whether to include a recommendation on the Australian ballot question in its final report to the Select Board, which formed the Charter Review Committee last summer.

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Cheshire to have Special Town Meeting March 6

The project, to be done by the state Department of Transportation, will replace the bridge and expand the width to include two 10-foot travel lanes and shoulders on both sides of the roadway.

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Letter: Replace Williamstown Town Meeting With Ballots

If you have a quaint, but broken form of town governance, why spend taxpayers' money to keep a quaint, but outdated broken failed system?

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Williamstown Select Board Discusses Ideas to Alter Town Meeting

After a 4-½-hour meeting in June at Mount Greylock Regional School, the board made it a priority to look at ideas that might make the meeting more efficient, assigning members Randy Fippinger and Jane Patton to work with Town Moderator Elisabeth Goodman to study the issue.