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Dalton Considers External Firm for Town Manager Search

Hutcheson said during the March 17 meeting that the town should consider hiring an interim town manager until a permanent one can be hired because using a firm would take longer.

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Dalton to Discuss Town Manager Screening Committee

The Select Board voted to table the appointments of the Town Manager Screening Committee until March 24 to open up the search to a broader range of volunteers.

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Clarksburg Offers Town Administrator Post to Boucher

The Select Board on Monday voted to offer the position of town administrator to Ronald Boucher, pending contract negotiations.

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Adams Board Appoints Retired Dalton Town Manager as Interim Administrator

The Board of Selectmen on Monday named a former Dalton town manager as part-time interim administrator.

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Clarksburg Sets Tax Rate; Interviews TA Candidate

The Select Board on Monday night voted after a tax classification hearing to again maintain a single tax rate. Members also interviewed the first candidate for the town administrator post, former Select Board Chair Ronald Boucher.

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Clarksburg Declines to Renew Town Administrator Contract; Posts Position

The Select Board on Monday voted to post the town administrator position in hopes of having a new leader in place by early next year.

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Adams Starting Administrator Search in New Year

Town officials hope to start the search for a new town administrator by January.

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Adams' Green Finalist for Lenox Town Manager

Current Adams Town Administrator Jay Green was announced to the select board, along with former Pittsfield City Councilor Nicholas Caccamo.