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Pittsfielders Protest 'Median Safety' Rule at Park Square

Passion was high at Park Square on Tuesday as several dozen community members protested a proposed ordinance that would ban "loitering" in medians.

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Homeless 'Point in Time Count' Less Than Expected Amid Frigid Weather

This year's Point In Time count was taken on Wednesday, Jan. 29, and while totals are still being finalized, ServiceNet saw lower numbers in its count than expected.

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70 Pittsfield Students Have Been Homeless This School Year

Seventy Pittsfield Public School students have been unhoused this school year, 20 more than the previous year.

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Pittsfield Homeless Advisory Committee Hosting Housing Resource Fair

The fair will offer a variety of resources and assistance to those in the community who are seeking help with accessing stable and secure housing.

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ServiceNet Hosts Warming Center at The Pearl

At the beginning of the month, ServiceNet soft opened a warming center at its shelter behind First United Methodist Church. The Pearl opened earlier this year and has a waitlist for one of its 40 beds.

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Pittsfield Takes 'Big Step' With Supportive Housing

On Tuesday, Hearthway Inc. hosted a ceremonial groundbreaking for 37 new units of supportive housing, 28 on vacant land on West Housatonic Street and nine at Zion Lutheran Church on First Street.

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Pittsfield Homeless Panel Mulls Pressures of State Sheltering Changes

Director of Community Development Justine Dodds said that there aren't enough resources or housing to go around and it's becoming increasingly challenging, especially with the limitations on some of these programs.

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Berkshire 'Point In Time' Count on Homelessness Likely to Increase

The count that gauges local homelessness was taken on Jan. 31 this year and the number is expected to increase over last year based on city and nationwide trends.

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New ServiceNet Shelter 'The Pearl' Opens in Pittsfield

The Pearl aims to provide a sense of community for folks experiencing homelessness while connecting them with services to aid their situation.

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Pittsfield Homeless Committee Details Accomplishments, Goals

To connect housing-insecure community members with services, the panel launched housing resource fairs and plans to continue them on a quarterly basis.

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Pittsfield's 'Pearl Street Shelter' Opening Soon

She added that pearls are created in an oyster with an irritant, explaining that she is affectionately calling herself the irritant that will hopefully create the pearls.

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Pittsfield Homelessness Panel Commits to Frequent Outreach

The Homelessness Advisory Committee is planning regular community outreach after holding a successful housing resource fair.

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Pittsfield's Homeless Campers Met with Compassionate Enforcement

Homeless campers are still prevalent in Pittsfield parks and the city continues to respond with compassionate enforcement.

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Letter: MCLA Homeless Shelter Should Have Had Public Input

I question MCLA's President Birge's commitment to education and to our North Berkshire community.

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Letter: Disappointment in Local Leadership to secure Shelter Solutions

Not one person who works professionally in housing services stood against this project. You have completely ignored the insight and guidance of our professional helping community.

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Birge Halts Family Shelter Proposal at MCLA

A proposal to shelter homeless families on the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts is off the table.

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State Expected to Pick Up Some Education Costs for Family Shelter

Superintendent Barbara Malkas told the School Committee on Tuesday that everything related to the shelter "is very much speculation."

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North Adams Council Hears Concerns Over Family Shelter Proposal

Neighbors of Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts say they are concerned about a lack of transparency and the unknown impacts that 50 to 75 families will have on the community's resources and the college.

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Letter: Many Unanswered Questions Related to Family Homeless Shelter

We need to call for some critical community conversations with MCLA prior to the action(s) they propose to fill a vacant building.

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Letter: Homeless Families at MCLA a Misguided Effort

One thing is certain, purposefully concentrating more poor people in already poor places appears to be the rule.

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Barrett Calls for MCLA Trustees to Make Decision on Housing Proposal

But Trustee John Barrett III, a neighbor of the campus, said placing the homeless in the Berkshire Towers would be "catastrophic" for the school and castigated the board for not asking more questions about its role in the decision.

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Count Shows Increasing Homelessness in Pittsfield

There were at least 221 homeless people on Jan. 25: 180 in shelters, 31 unsheltered, and 10 who were couch surfing or in other temporary shelters.

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Letter: Disappointing Responses to MCLA Homeless Proposal

The stereotypes of homelessness have been alive and well among our local leaders and among the public. The conjured images of filthy drug addicts pushing shopping carts and begging for money have been splattered across social media and whispered over back fences.

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Letter: Homeless Housing in MCLA Dorm is NOT the Solution

Initially, I was not against the idea of MCLA's president, Jamie Birge, announcing plans to open a currently empty dorm building for housing homeless families, however, the more I've talked with neighbors and friends, the more I believe it's a horrible idea.

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Letter: CHP Supports MCLA Homeless Shelter

CHP Berkshires wishes to express its support for repurposing a dormitory at MCLA into a residence for homeless families.