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Weekend Outlook

There are several events this weekend to help you recharge from your week including a free museum day, live music, and winter activities.

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Mount Greylock Roads to Close For Maintenance

Rockwell Road from the Visitor Center to Jones Nose parking area will remain open for visitor access, weather permitting.

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Bascom Lodge to Open Memorial Day Weekend

Bascom Lodge will open to overnight guests and visitors on Memorial Day weekend.

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Mount Greylock Roads to Close Oct. 30

The summit gate will close at 3 pm on Oct. 30

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Mount Greylock Access Roads closed for Maintenance

The closures will continue through Sept. 22 excluding weekends.

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Junior Rangers Program at Mount Greylock

Space is limited to fifteen participants. All participants must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

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Mount Greylock Council Seeks Advice Navigating Long Vehicles Ban

DCR informed the council at its last meeting that, in most cases, vehicles longer than 22 feet will not be allowed to traverse the roads to the summit.