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Charles "Chip" Joffe-Halpern, 73

WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. —  Charles “Chip” Edward Joffe-Halpern of Williamstown Massachusetts passed away on August 16th 2023 after a long illness. He was born in 1949 in Syracuse NY. He is survived by his wife Ellen Joffe-Halpern, his daughter Rebecca Filson (Brent), his son Noah Halpern (Hillary), his brothers Stephen and Andrew Halpern, and his five (soon to be six) grandchildren Maya, Judah, Marlowe, Evan and Jake. He was predeceased by his mother Sylvia, father Harold and sister Barbara.

Chip grew up in a jewish community in Syracuse, NY, the 3rd of four children, where he cultivated his love of Syracuse basketball, photography and golf.

In 1977, he earned a Masters in Social Work from the University of Albany. That same year, he found his lifelong partner while working as a clinician at a residential youth treatment school. There he fell in love with his co-therapist, an artist named Ellen Joffe. They were eventually married two years later at Tanglewood in Lenox Massachusetts.

Chip served the people of Northern Berkshire Country as a clinical social worker, during which time he received several awards including the NASW award for "Outstanding contributions to the Social Work profession”. He later served as executive director of the non-profit Ecu-Healthcare in North Adams. It was at Ecu-Healthcare where Chip found his ultimate professional success and fulfillment helping area residents obtain affordable health coverage.

Recognizable in his signature bowtie, Chip excelled at finding creative ways to build relationships and connect with his peers and his community. In one notable outreach campaign to improve local dental care access, he rallied the city of North Adams to attempt to break the Guinness World Record for most people consecutively brushing their teeth.

Chip would go on to establish himself as a go-to expert in the health policy field, bringing him opportunities to impact policy at the state level. He served as president of the board of directors at Healthcare For All in Boston, and served on the inaugural Health Connector board during the implementation of universal healthcare in Massachusetts under Governor Mitt Romney.

Outside of his professional life, Chip was a devoted husband, father and grandfather. He intentionally structured his life around being present and available to his children, spending many hours playing catch and running batting practice with his son and daughter, attending their recitals, games and performances. Later in life, his greatest joy was his five grandchildren whom he loved beyond compare.

A funeral service will be held on Monday, August 21st at 9:00 AM at the Flynn and Dagnoli-Montagna Funeral Home at 521 West Main Street, in North Adams, MA, followed by burial at Eastlawn Cemetery on Main Street in Williamstown, MA. A Shiva memorial service will be held between 5 and 8pm on Monday evening at 328 Luce Road in Williamstown. In lieu of flowers the family would appreciate donations to Ecu-Health Care in North Adams, Health Care For All MA, or a charity of choice. To add to the Book of Memories, please visit

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Recollections & Sympathy For the Family
Post Comment
Ellen and Family, So sorry for your loss Chip is missed. I've known that great man since the South Forty day in the old Haskins School,then even more in NARH where we worked.I'll never forget how helpful Chip was when Marty G was in a hospital in the Czech Republic during their trip there.He kept me updated and informed. He will not be forgotten.

Brian E Gallagher
from: Brian E Gallagheron: 08-27-2023

I am so sad to see that Chip passed away. I have very fond memories of him from when I was working at NARH. To Ellen and his family - my very sincere condolences. He will be missed.
from: Karyn Floreson: 08-23-2023

To Chip's family: I am sorry for your loss of my good friend. I have known this great man since our days in college. He was so much fun to be around. He was also brilliant. I am devastated.
from: S Gregory Sehron: 08-22-2023

Chip and I were colleagues when he first began work in North Adams. I always felt his love for the people he served. His compassionate heart radiated in every setting. He was a model social worker in every way, and a living inspiration for others to follow! We were blessed to have him in our midst.
from: Susan Conklinon: 08-22-2023

Ellen so sorry for your loss. Chip was always so good to my family.
from: Paulette Weinon: 08-21-2023

What a terrible loss. My heartfelt condolences to his family. He was a godsend to me during a medical crisis. I will never forget the kindness, caring and understanding that he showed me. What a loss to his family, friends and community.
from: Gigi Levyon: 08-21-2023

so sorry for your loss, rip chip
from: j. sauve'on: 08-21-2023

Chip is a one in a million person. How kind, smart, and generous of soul! Meet Chip on the street and you know you will feel good after talking with him. The community was blessed to have Chip as part of their life. He has beautiful family, and they will be in my prayers. We will all miss this wonderful man!
from: Tony Siracusaon: 08-21-2023

so sorry for your loss....a life well lived
from: MaryEllen Morrisseyon: 08-21-2023

I am so sorry to hear of Chips passing. I remember him fondly from NARH. He was such a warm and caring man who helped so many people in the Northern Berkshire community. Condolences to his entire family on this great loss for all of us.
Deb Allen
from: Debra Allenon: 08-21-2023

You can now rest in peace Chip. Your hard work is being appreciated by so many people. My condolences to your family that you loved so much.
from: on: 08-20-2023

What a beautiful soul and warm hearted person. I’ll miss him very much and feel blessed to have know him.
from: Deborah Grayon: 08-19-2023

Ellen and family, so sorry to hear of Chip passing. He was a wonderful person and I enjoyed working with him at NARH. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
from: Lorraine Mancusoon: 08-19-2023

So sorry to hear of Chip's passing. I got to know Chip at North Adams Hospital as our offices were close together. We would chat about any topic from basketball to politics. We even played the occasional round of golf. I never won. What I will always remember about Chip is his intellect. humor, humanity and great kindness to all. He will be missed greatly.
Bill Flaherty
from: Bill Flaherton: 08-19-2023

Sorry to read if Chip's passing. He was a rock star for the Northern Berkshire community and was talented in so many ways. His keen eye in photography was just one of many ways he excelled outside of his work. Ecu-Health Care was his work legacy and the kindness he showed to so many will be missed.
from: Al Bashevkinon: 08-19-2023

Losing a partner like Chip is the most challenging. My heart is with you and your family. Sending love. Xoxoxo
from: Gail Sellerson: 08-19-2023

Chip was such a genuine and positive person. We shared an interest in photography and it was always great talking with him when we crossed paths. I am very sorry for his passing and send my sincere condolences. He will be remembered fondly by all who knew him.
from: Carl Villanuevaon: 08-19-2023

I had the privilege of working with Chip and he truly was outstandingly kind. A great loss to the community. My heartfelt condolences to Ellen and family.
from: Rose Oliveron: 08-18-2023

Sincere condolences to Chip’s family, colleagues and many, may friends. They don’t make men like him anymore.
from: RICHARD H ALLEYon: 08-18-2023

He was my best friend and colleague since meeting him 30 years ago. I'll miss him forever. There are many fond memories.
from: Martin (Marty) Greenstein on: 08-18-2023

Chip was a lovely man and a great colleague, I have great memories of our work together on the original crisis team. I will miss him.
from: Nancy Apkin on: 08-18-2023

I have many fond memories of working with Chip to advocate for access to health care for all regardless of ability to pay. This was when I was medical director at Neighborhood Health Center, Pittsfield. I will always remember working with him when he was Executive Director of AHEC, and I was (and still am) on the board. He really made major contributions to advancing health care in the Berkshires and, actually, in the entire state. Our thoughts are with you.
from: Charles I. Wohlon: 08-18-2023

I am so sorry to hear that Chip has passed. What an amazing, caring man who helped to make our community and the world a better place. My heart is with you all.
from: Amy Hallon: 08-18-2023

So sad to read this. Thank you so much for all your hard work in the communities. I always admire your strength and your caring thoughts. Sending prayers??
from: Marian Harrison: 08-18-2023

This is a very sad news, Ellen and I am sending you my sincere condolences.
from: Ghetta hirschon: 08-18-2023

When I was just starting out in my career, I was blessed to meet Chip who was doing critical health policy work in the Berkshires. As a fellow social worker, I felt a connection to him but mostly it was because of his kindness and his humor and the way he had of making anyone, even a young intern, feel welcomed and valued. I am so grateful that I knew him and was able to work with him. What a gift he was to this world.
from: Carly Burtonon: 08-18-2023

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Chip was a wonderful, caring person who did a lot for the people of Northern Berkshires. I loved running into him and discussing Syracuse. He clearly loved his family.
from: Karen Galleseon: 08-18-2023

To Chip's family, our heartfelt sympathy in the passing of Chip. RIP Chip
Gwen, Woody & Todd Boillat
from: on: 08-18-2023

I am saddened to read of Chip physically leaving our world. He truly helped so many in our community. I have missed our chats in Stop&Shop and now know why. Strength to all in his family!
from: on: 08-18-2023

He was my best friend and colleague since meeting him 30 years ago. I'll miss him forever. There are many fond memories.
from: Martin (Marty) Greenstein on: 08-18-2023

Dear Ellen & all Chip’s family, I was surprised & so saddened to learn of Chip’s death. Please know that you & he are in my prayers; accept my most sincere condolences for your loss. Such a good man, gone too soon.?
from: Diane Parsonson: 08-18-2023

So very sorry for loss. He was a wonderful man and did great things for our community. He will be missed by many. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
from: Patricia Flahertyon: 08-18-2023

Please accept our condolences for your loss. Chip was a man of great accomplishments and more important, a wonderful member of the community.
from: Grant Sun and Patrick Quinnon: 08-18-2023

So sorry for your loss. Chip was a great guy and hard worker for all. Rest in pease and bless you Ellen for you care for Chip. Joe / Ann Doyle
from: Joseph Doyleon: 08-18-2023

Ellen and family my sympathy for you all for the loss of a really great man. Chip, as we all called him, helped so many people. He will certainly be missed by all.
from: Fran Mundyon: 08-18-2023

This is very sad to read, Chip was a turning point in my life. I will always remember him in my prayers.
from: Dan Bergeronon: 08-18-2023
