A couple more candidates have taken out papers for the November city election but so far there are not enough names to consider a preliminary election.
Krol, a former City Council vice president, and Marchetti, current City Council president, kept the conversation focused on the issues. Both "cheerleaders" of Pittsfield, their campaign styles were described as a difference of personality.
But their answers at the Tuesday event did reflect some differences on the starting points that each will bring to deliberations that may come before the board in the next three years.
There is some potential for new faces on the City Council and School Committee this year, though it's too early in the election season to make any predictions.
Deanna Morrow, a direct care support worker at the Brien Center's Keenan House North, and recent Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts graduate, announced on March 10 that she will run for a seat on the North Adams City Council.
Offices on this year's municipal ballot in November are a four-year term for mayor and two-year terms each for one city clerk post, four councilor at large seats, seven ward council seats (one for each ward) and six School Committee seats.