Pittsfield Parade Fundraiser Off And Marching12:00AM / Thursday, March 01, 2007
Pittsfield - The Pittsfield Parade Committee has launched the annual fund drive for the 2007 Parade with an $85,000 revenue goal.
Parade Committee Treasurer Peter Marchetti said the goal is consistent with the past 3 years, which have fallen short of actual parade costs.
The Parade Committee announces a new www.Pitssfiledparade.com Internet website to assist the community in finding information, donation forms, entry forms and submit questions to the committee.
The Parade Committee has been working diligently to find ways to maintain the level of excellence that the citizens from all over Berkshire County and beyond have grown to expect.
"I have always said if we just charged $1 per person to come to the parade, we wouldn't have to raise a dime ahead of time," says Marchetti, who is also the Parade Coordinator. "We have not ruled out the use of another 'Bucket Brigade;' if we need it and if we can find the assistance to have a productive one."
"This is the biggest annual event in the life of this City and this County, and it's amazing to watch it come together, and we're doing our best to pay for it all. If everyone pitches in, this "money part" will be taken care of and we can concentrate on the fun part, the parade itself!" says Marchetti.
Parade posters will soon be available, another wonderful painting by Suzanne Goudreau, depicting this years' parade theme, "Reach for the Stars." Anyone that donates $25 or more will receive a coupon for the official parade poster that can be redeemed at many locations. Locations will be announced.
With this year's theme, "Reach for the Stars," the hope is to attract more people and groups from all over the county to come and participate. New entrants of all kinds are welcome to the parade. All entries must build their units or groups to represent the parade theme.
A big way people can help is to assist with staging and disband areas on the parade date itself, as several thousand people, balloons and vehicles need to be lined up and set in motion, as well as to be packed and loaded up after the parade is over.
There are many "Parade Day" positions that need to be filled, such as banner carriers and balloon handlers. Please consider volunteering this way!
All parade committee meetings are open to the public and newcomers are welcome. Meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of every month at Morningside Community School. Any person or group interested in a parade application is encouraged to visit the website, call or e-mail, soon! Think Fourth of July!! Deadline for Entries is May 15, 2007.
For more information: Contact the Pittsfield Parade Phone at 413-447-7763, the website at www.pittsfieldparade.com, or e-mail pittsfieldparade@aol.com.