Boucher Campaign On: 06:22PM / Monday October 31, 2011
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — This is the third installment of mayoral candidate Ron Boucher sharing his views and ideas on important issues facing the city of North Adams. The below discussion focuses on the economic development for the city.
"North Adams has been faced with reduced population, increased taxes and fees, and reduced services and educational cutbacks. This leads to a vicious circle leading to a downward spiral into economic disaster. Long-term, this economic model cannot be sustained. Real economic development is the only model which offers the promise of sustained economic growth. The MoCA-based artist community is a nice addition, and can help, but offers little for most residents in terms of good-paying, non-service-related careers. My plans for economic development should be consistent with the blue-collar work ethic of the city, as well as accepting input from the community.
I propose the following:
• Offer tax incentives for industrial development keyed to real job creation. Create an economic development zone. Consider medium-term tax abatements.
• Make subsidized commercial space available to existing and new businesses on a quid-pro-quo basis. No giveaways, subsidies should be based on countable new jobs created over a medium-term time period. The program needs to be carefully monitored to avoid abuse.
• Partner with Northern Berkshire HealthCare to create medical related jobs.
• Use the natural resources of the area:
Railroad: A valuable asset, currently falling into disuse and neglected
Forest Products
Eco-tourism, which can bring publicity to the area
Air Quality
Quality of Life
Partner with schools. MCLA, obviously, and possibly Williams College. There are public spirited academics with real expertise who are willing to help on a volunteer basis.
• Critical housing problem. Much existing housing is derelict and beyond useful economic life, and should be razed. Housing which is still viable should be turned to productive uses and returned to tax rolls.
• Marketing. Create a regional and national marketing program to attract viable, economically sensible industry. Foreign investment is also a possibility which should be researched.
• Approach investment bankers and private equity firms in Boson and New York for potential interest and/or assistance
"Please remember, Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. I would like to take this time to ask for your vote, to assist in bringing real economic development back to this city.”
The campaign to elect Ron Boucher Mayor of North Adams would like to extend an invitation to the public for Ron's 2nd Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser at the American Legion on Nov. 2, and also to stop by his new campaign headquarters at 107 Main St. welcomes critical, respectful dialogue. Name-calling, personal attacks, libel, slander or foul language is not allowed. All comments are reviewed before posting and will be deleted or edited as necessary.
Comprehensive, logical, straight forward. No BS. Couple that with the Moawk Theater plan and you know what you have......a real economic vision. Thanks Ron. This is why more people are jumping on the Boucher bandwagon each day
What, on this list, is something that the last two administrations haven't been doing since the mid-80s?
Revitalize the housing stock? How do you plan on doing that?
Tax breaks to attract business? Done that (mattress factory anyone?).
Marketing program? Yeah, that'll turn it all around.
Beg for Boston/New York money? In return for what?
Ron's "Back to Basics" sounds pretty much like "More of the Same Old Same Old". All talk. No concrete plan. Elect Ron and North Adams is the same or worse 2 years from now. Is that what you want?
Yea cause Dick's plan (oh wait he has none) has done nothing but 3 part time jobs at Carr. WOW! that is some record to run on. Dick has moved this city backwards...time to fix things. Vote Boucher
The cities of Pittsfield and North Adams will hold municipal elections for mayor, city council and school committee in 2015
You may vote absentee: if you will be absent from your town or city on election day, have a physical disability that prevents you from voting at the polls or cannot vote at the polls because to religious beliefs.