Roach Campaign On: 09:59AM / Monday October 03, 2011
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — Gregory Roach has announced his candidacy for City Council.
To the voters of North Adams,
Two years ago over 1,200 of you gave me your vote when I ran for City Council. To say that I am honored that so many of my neighbors thought that I had something to offer the city is an understatement. Thank you.
This year, I am humbly asking for your vote again. I still believe that the core issues that make up North Adams' challenges relate directly to our ability to provide the best education we can for our children; strengthen neighborhoods for families and seniors with policies that address housing and poverty; and ultimately create jobs by expanding and attracting people to our city’s middle class and the businesses that go hand in hand.
Schools, Neighborhoods and Commerce: A simple but not so easy recipe that will take time and patience to foster.
I am a father, husband, writer and a chef. My journeys have taken me from Detroit, through the University of Michigan and the Culinary Institute of America, to Minnesota and Nebraska, then to the Pacific Northwest, and finally to the place I've proudly called home for the past eight years and most certainly will for decades to come, North Adams.
You have my word that I will work hard and honestly and I will give every side of an issue a fair hearing. My business, finance and policy experience will serve the city well in finding creative ways to balance budgets, solve problems and create opportunities. I believe in good governance with a balanced fiscal approach that is accountable to the people it serves. Sometimes we may not agree, but I will always take the time to explain my positions respectfully and with consideration. I will not shout but I will stand strong for the people of this town. My vote will always be guided by principle and conscience.
Please take the time to learn about the 18 candidates running for the nine positions on City Council. Ask tough questions of us and see who actually answers your questions with thought and deliberation. But most importantly, remember to vote on Nov. 8. The future of our community rests in your hands. welcomes critical, respectful dialogue. Name-calling, personal attacks, libel, slander or foul language is not allowed. All comments are reviewed before posting and will be deleted or edited as necessary.
From Roach's ownn material: "The residents of North Adams have made it clear that they cannot and will not support excessive property tax increases"
Focus on the word excessive...and who determines this. If Greg does he has already has stated many times he felt the over ride increase was not excessive.......
Debate going on right now on the transcript article between greg and a resident who does not want their taxes raised.....hope you dont mind me saying that the spirit of news
Sure he did, as much as you claim Bob did. Greg here is trying to make people forget how vocal of a supporter of the override he was. His mentality starts with one thing in mind. He believes we are not paying enough in property taxes. Everyone needs to remember that
I never said Bob did and Greg doesn't seem to be trying to make anyone forget anything. The nice thing about Greg - he tells us how he feels. I'd like to see a lot more of that from all the candidates! It would be refreshing if they would all just tell us an honest opinion about what they're for and what they're against. I obviously won't agree with everything, but I could respect them for that.
Yes and he feels we currently don't pay enough in property taxes and would have no problem raising them. Case closed. He is not right for NA and the people I have discussed this with agree
Yes, Greg is an outsider. He holds secret cult meetings to discuss outsider beliefs. He is part of a giant conspiracy to of outsiders to get rid of all the insiders.
It started with a Kenyan in the White House. Now we have a guy claiming to be from Detroit, but how do we really know?!?!? I hear he holds these crazy meetings where people drink Micro-Brews like Long Trail and Magic Hat! The horror. No Bud?! What would Tom Levesque say?
And he listens to this crazy music made by occultists from England. I think they call themselves Led Zeppelin. He definitely listens to that European stuff. He probably speaks French, too.
Then there is that school thing. Greg's greatest plot to overthrow the region he has been assigned to conquer is make kids go to effect government indoctrination facilities, aka public schools. He doesn't understand that we like things the way they are and that smart kids need to be kept in their place and wait for a good mill job to open up. All this talk about colleges and small businesses is more of the European elitist conspiracy to make us less like America and more like Seattle, or Detroit, or whereever this Frenchy outsider is claiming to be from this week.
The cities of Pittsfield and North Adams will hold municipal elections for mayor, city council and school committee in 2015
You may vote absentee: if you will be absent from your town or city on election day, have a physical disability that prevents you from voting at the polls or cannot vote at the polls because to religious beliefs.