Dalton Preview Town Meeting Set April 29

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
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DALTON, Mass. — Residents will have the opportunity to review the town meeting warrant in advance during a preview meeting at Wahconah Regional High School on Monday, April 29, at 7 p.m. 
The town started to do "baby" town meetings last year to give voters the chance to ask questions regarding the warrant articles. 
"We can get into as much detail as people like there. It's a great opportunity for people to become educated about what's on the warrant and why, if they so choose," Town Manager Thomas Hutcheson said at a recent Select Board meeting.
"And that is hopefully going to make for better discussion at town meeting and a more informed discussion."
Voters at the annual town meeting on Monday, May 6, will decide 22 articles, including articles on sidewalks and the authorization of a number of spending articles, including an approximate $22 million budget. 
Some $10,537,044 of the budget is the assessment for the Central Berkshire Regional School District and about $10 million in the town operating budget.
The Finance Committee meeting on April 10 went over all of the town meeting warrants and explanations. Residents should have received the town report in mid-April. 
The town's free cash has been certified at $2.44 million. Hutcheson has recommended additional funding from free cash to the capital and sewer stabilization, and the other post employment benefits (OPEB) funds. 
The new figures would be $300,000 for capital stabilization, $300,000 for sewer stabilization, and $250,000 for the OPEB Fund. 
There are also money articles requesting voters authorize funding from free cash and stabilization for a number of projects and equipment. These requests include funding for the engineering work for the Orchard Road project, engineering or match for a lift at Town Hall, design and installation of heat pumps for the third floor of Town Hall, engineering and cost estimate for the reinforcement of a section of the Town Hall roof, electric vehicle chargers at the Senior Center, funds surrounding addressing the Pines invasive species, and more. 
One of the requests discussed during the budgeting process was $68,000 from free cash to cover the cost of engineering and design for a renovation of the Transfer Station
Public Works Superintendent Edward "Bud" Hall and Hutcheson asked an engineer for an estimate for a full redesign of the building because the concrete blocks in front of the trash and recycling are crumbling and the shed is not in good condition. 
The estimated cost of engineering study for a major renovation of the station would cost approximately $68,000, and may be worth considering because of the crumbling and spalling concrete footing of the station, Hutcheson said during a previous meeting. 
Also included in the request for free cash funding for the transfer station is $19,000 for the purchase of recycling containers and $10,000 for the purchase of a prefabricated swap shop shed. 
Another hot topic that has been discussed by town boards, committees, and departments is the future of sidewalk repair options.  
Sidewalks have been a widely discussed topic for over a year because of the large number that need repair.
The town has been discussing repairs with residents since before the last town meeting when voters approved adding $10,000 to the budget for that purpose.  
Voters will decide whether to fund the purchasing of a sidewalk and road paver and whether to amend the town's bylaws to mandate the use of concrete for all future sidewalks.
The cost of the paver is $64,600 and would come from capital stabilization. If approved, the town could pave more sidewalks but would be using asphalt rather than concrete. The town would also replace failing concrete sidewalks with asphalt ones.
Using asphalt rather than concrete is quicker and costs less money however the life expectancy is shorter than concrete. 
The other article, to mandate the use of concrete for all future sidewalks, was added to the warrant by a citizen petition led by resident Todd Logan. More information on the petition here; the Select Board voted narrowly not to recommend
While exploring the cost and construction methods of sidewalks, Logan said he discovered that although asphalt is cheaper in the short term, concrete sidewalks cost the same or less in the long term. 
He argued that concrete sidewalks "provide better safety, walkability, and year-round accessibility than asphalt." In addition, it is the preferred sidewalk material by state agencies, he said in his petition. 
If the town votes in favor of the bylaw amendment, there is no need for the paver.
Town elections at the Senior Center are Monday, May 13, from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. Voters will choose to elect a member of the Select Board, a moderator, a cemetery trustee, a member of the Planning Board, and a town clerk. 
Voters will also vote for two members of the Housing Authority, three library trustees, and four Finance Committee members. 

Tags: annual town meeting,   town meeting 2024,   

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Lanesborough FinCom Chair Resigns After Warrant Approval

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

LANESBOROUGH, Mass. — With a new fiscal year comes new leadership for the Finance Committee.

Chair Jodi-Lee Szczepaniak-Locke officially resigned on Monday and the panel decided that Vice Chair Stephen Wentworth would assume leadership for the time being.  

A few months ago, Szczepaniak-Locke announced that she would be vacating her post and the committee after the FY25 budget season. On Monday the committee endorsed draft warrant articles for the annual town meeting, its last responsibilities before the close of the fiscal year.

The former chair was brief in her departure, confirming her resignation and leaving, but has previously stated that the decision came from an attendance issue with a member not being resolved.  

"I believe in truth and honesty and a lot of you know me and you've known me for years and that's what I think is the most important thing," she said to the Select Board in February.

"So you all can have at this. I am done and I wish you all the best of luck but it's not worth it. It's not worth it to me to participate in this anymore."

Town Administrator Gina Dario clarified that the warrant articles are being finalized and it is possible that numbering could change.

"Certainly, we do not anticipate any changes of a financial impact and nor do we expect any new articles entering the current warrant," she said.

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