Hoosac Valley School Committee Reviews School, District Improvement Plans

By Brian RhodesiBerkshires Staff
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CHESHIRE, Mass. — The Hoosac Valley School Committee has approved an updated district improvement plan. 


Superintendent Aaron Dean said his cabinet took feedback on the plan after the last meeting by adjusting some of the goals. He explained that the district can and should change the plan as the needs of the district and its students change. 


"This is a live document," he said. "It has links to our resources, links to rubrics and links to our professional learning experiences that we're providing. And it will be a live document that will be posted on the website so people can see that this is the work we're doing."


In addition to the district plan, the committee also heard updates on the individual school improvement plans. The principals and assistant principals of all three schools provided the committee with progress on strategic objectives. 


Elementary Principal Erin Beaulac said this year's school improvement plans hope to build off of accomplishments from last year. Specific to the elementary school, she said both students and teachers are responding well to responsive classroom, the school's social-emotional learning program. 


"The focus on all three plans, just like the district improvement plan, is not to introduce a ton of new things, but to go deeper with where we started last year," she said. 


At the middle school, Principal Chris Sposato discussed the success of the student support center. He said the center exists for students that request or need help, rather than as a punitive measure. 


"We have the Student Support Center working better than ever," he said. "... We prefer it to be proactive. So if a student would like to see someone, for whatever reason, if they're just feeling a little anxious, if they're stressed out. Maybe they don't even know why, they're just like 'I can't do this right now,' they can request to the teacher to go to the SSC, the teacher will then assess the situation and do their professional judgment." 


High School Principal Colleen Byrd said the high school has also opened a student support center this year. She said the center for the high school is close to the offices of the student councilors, so students can be available for them. 


"What we have done at the high school so far, which has kind of been a soft opening of the Student Support Center, is that we've identified students who really need some extra support and we've already started building plans for those students," she said. 


All three principals said they are working on increased community participation and better communication with families. Each spoke highly of Erica Girgenti, the district's family and community engagement coordinator and the work she has done this year. 


"She has been phenomenal at coming in, taking pictures and publicizing all these events on social media. We've gotten a lot of great press from that, which is a small but, I think, powerful thing," Beaulac said. "She herself has also helped branch out to the community at large for these events and getting volunteers, getting donations, getting people to show up. That has been something I've been very aware of this year."


Committee Chair Michael Mucci spoke highly of the principal's work on the improvement plans and their efforts to benefit the district. 


"To truly see the six of you come here on the same night and show the vertical alignment and talk through the process. There really is, for myself and hopefully most of the committee here, a deeper appreciation. You are actually writing this, you are actually putting this together. It is organic documents that's adapting to what we need at the school to really improve the school, which is what I think a lot of us are here for."


Tags: ACRSD,   Hoosac Valley,   

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Hoosac Valley Class of 2024 Told To Be Like A Hurricane

By Jack GuerinoiBerkshires Staff
CHESHIRE, Mass. — Valedictorian Talia Rehill reminded the 40 members of the class of 2024 to take on the world like a hurricane.

"This is the nature of the hurricane, where passion, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence define who we are," she said in her address Friday evening. "Let us carry this mindset with us as we forge ahead, knowing that with an unstoppable resolve and a steadfast commitment to our goals, we can overcome any challenge that comes our way."

Rehill, who is the second Hoosac Valley student to attend Harvard, told the class of 2024 how this mindset has helped her accomplish her dreams, noting she always had a passion for learning and an even greater drive to achieve. She said in 2020 she penned her fate on a piece of paper, writing she would be the valedictorian and would attend Harvard upon graduation.

"All these years later, that handwritten goal remains hanging on my bedroom wall. I remember first holding that paper up to my wall and securing it with Scotch Tape. I remember knowing that my dream was far-fetched to any rational person, but it never was to me," she said. "I remember knowing that I would achieve everything I said I would down to the very last word."

But she did not want to become a "Harvard robot" and she said she "succumbed to Applebee’s, hangouts by Jack’s bonfire, and a dive into Onota Lake" when homework felt like a "weight too heavy."

She reminded her classmates that no matter what their dreams are, to maintain their "wild side."

"For all the students who are here in the stands today with the dream and the drive, topped with the need for fun, my advice to you is to give in," she said. "Having a wild side is a wonderful thing that will teach you more about life than you could ever pull from a book. Your high school years are meant to be enriched by your classrooms and your clubs, but the real development is what happens to you when you’re vulnerable."

In closing, she asked the class of 2024 to think about where they have come from, noting the small rural community has helped form them.

"As we embark on the next chapter of our lives, let us remember that hard work will always triumph over mere talent. Coming from a small town like ours, where opportunities may seem limited and the odds may sometimes feel stacked against us, we have learned the true value of perseverance and resilience," she said. "...Being a part of the Hoosac Valley community has instilled in us a spirit of determination and grit that propels us to work twice as hard to achieve our dreams."

Rehill also asked for a moment of silence for class of 2024 member Noah Brown. Brown was struck and killed by a car in 2015. Although eight at the time, he would have been a member of the class of 2024.

Salutatorian David Scholz took a moment to thank family, friends, and teachers and acknowledged the milestone he and his classmates have achieved by graduating.

"Today is an occasion that we have looked forward to since our first time stepping into the high school, or maybe even before that," Scholz said. "Above all, it is a memorable day for everyone here because it marks an important milestone in our lives. None of us are here by mistake, and this shows a cumulation of our hard work, dedication, and perseverance day in and day out."

Scholz said the last week was special because seniors opened their time capsules that they sealed in 9th grade. He said it was a reminder of many fond memories, but also challenges including navigating the COVID-19 pandemic their freshman year.

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