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Adams Considers Reducing Size of Finance Committee

By Brian RhodesiBerkshires Staff
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ADAMS, Mass. — After a vote by the General Government Review Committee, residents may soon have the chance to vote to reduce the size of the Finance Committee from 15 to nine. 

The committee voted Tuesday to suggest the Board of Selectmen add the change to a special town meeting warrant. Town Administrator Jay Green said there should be a special town meeting sometime in mid-November. 
"We don't want to miss the opportunity to put something else in front of town meeting that can be cleaned up or modified," said Green. "... I think everyone's reached a consensus, from my sitting here observing, that everyone feels it's reasonable to reduce the number." 
Additionally, the group recommended changing the date Finance Committee members are appointed to June 30 and removing a provision allowing the town moderator to remove members older than 70 years. The changes to the Finance Committee can come via bylaw, unlike many other topics the group has discussed related to the town charter. 
"It's getting tough [to find enough members]," said committee member Timothy Burdick, who is also vice chair of the Finance Committee. "It's not like they're lining up to fill the 15 spots." 
Bernard Lynch, a consultant from Community Paradigm Associates working with the committee on the charter review, said there are advantages and disadvantages to making the change now, as opposed to waiting. 
"The advantage, perhaps, of doing it now is that it might address some current issues with the membership level," he said. "And it might be a reminder to the town meeting members that this committee is meeting and spending a lot of time going through and discussing these topics." 
The group also discussed the mode by which the number is brought down to nine, deciding that appointments will be allowed to expire until the number is reduced to nine. 
In other business, the committee discussed topics related to executive functions of town government. The group intends to discuss the issues in more detail at its next meeting. 
"I thought today would be a good time to talk about what's the theoretical basis of the form of government that you have," Lynch said. 
Several committee members suggested the group hear the opinions of the Board of Selectmen and the town administrator before having an in-depth discussion. The group formed a subcommittee to individually speak with each of them. 
"Personally, I don't feel like I can make a judgment without more feedback on how people feel the system is working," said member Virginia Duval. 

Tags: charter review,   Finance Committee,   

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Hoosac Valley Names Valedictorian & Salutatorian for Class of 2024

CHESHIRE, Mass. — Hoosac Valley High School has named Talia Rehill and David Scholz as the valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively, of the class of 2024. 
They will speak at graduation ceremonies on Friday, June 7, at 6 p.m. in the high school gym. 
Rehill, daughter of Alisha Hampton of Cheshire, has been involved in numerous student activities during her four years at the school. This includes president of the Student Council, the Adams-Cheshire Leo Club, the class of 2024, and the National Honor Society. She also was a student representative on the Athletic Leadership Council and the Rainbow Alliance, a peer leader for World of Difference and pride mentor of the Boomerang Project. She also was editor of the yearbook and founder of the Hoosac Valley chapter of the 84th Movement, a non-smoking initiative. Also active in sports, she was captain of the varsity soccer and track and field teams. 
She participated in the 2023 production of "Annie," raised money for childhood cancer as a princess with the AYJ Fund, and built a social networking platform for individuals suffering from homelessness. Her awards include the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents Award, National Honor Society's Student of the Year for Massachusetts, the College Board Big Future's award for rural and small-town recognition, and the American Legion Auxiliary's Girls State Award. 
Rehill is the second Hoosac graduate to be admitted to Harvard University, where she plans to study government on the pre-law track. 
Scholz, the son of Erik and Laura Scholz of Adams, has been vice president of the class of 2024 and a member of the Student Council, a student representative on the Athletic Leadership Council, and a member of the National Honor Society. He also was a member of the concert and marching band.
Active in sports, he was first team All-Western Mass for soccer in his senior year and Nordic skiing as a junior. He was captain of the varsity soccer team and a member of the school's ski and track and field teams. He also was a volunteer coach with the Adams-Cheshire-Savoy Youth Soccer League and a member of the Downhill Ski Club since Grade 8. 
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