Letter: Proposed Zoning Changes in Williamstown

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To the Editor:

I am concerned about the Williamstown Planning Board's approach with proposed zoning changes. I have lived in Williamstown for 30 years and I have attended town meeting for the majority of those years. I have followed the board's process this year, and I share their vision for a more inclusive and diverse Williamstown. In addition, I am working to support Williamstown's commitment to net-zero carbon emissions, and care for the planet.

I have observed that land-use changes that are successful at town meeting are developed and refined through a process of community education and engagement including active outreach, identification of community concerns, and response to those concerns. I have observed that proposals that are not successful are those that are complex, or where there is low community education and awareness. It is my belief that the board has not done its due diligence in studying the benefit of proposed zoning changes, educating the community on the arguments for why they will be helpful, and listening to and responding to concerns of community members about the changes.

I am concerned that the proposed changes in our rural residential zone, RR2, do not conform to basic principles of good planning to prevent sprawl, and I have no confidence that they will produce the stated intended benefit: more accessibility to housing in RR2 by low to moderate income individuals. Smart Growth principles are widely recognized as having many benefits. These principles include "Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas" and "Strengthen and direct development towards existing communities." In addition, large lot zoning in rural areas has been identified as an important and effective strategy for mitigating the harmful effects of residential development in previously undeveloped areas. They limit residential sprawl that may destroy or fragment existing wildlife habitat, preservation, and agricultural lands in rural areas. I'm alarmed to see some residents calling for the abolition of RR2 as part of what I see as a hurried and haphazard process.

If we as a community believe that creating low- to moderate-income housing in rural parts of Williamstown is a priority, that conversation should not be rushed. We should precisely study and research the best way to do this that will minimize environmental impact and increase the likelihood of success. We should recognize that the need for septic systems will increase development costs, and that distance from town will create impacts for residents who may have transportation challenges. We should look at our infrastructure, water supplies, and critical habitats and farmland, and make use of overlay districts to ensure housing is clustered in already developed areas.

In the years I have lived in Williamstown, I have seen an explosion in the development of large second homes that remain empty much of the year. To me, this changes the character of our town in ways I do not welcome. I'm concerned the proposed changes will increase the presence of these types of homes and may drive up the cost of housing in RR2.

I hope the Planning Board will remove the proposed zoning changes from RR2. Let's move forward with a community engaged process that more thoroughly and strategically explores how to meet our shared vision for inclusive housing, while not harming the resources that sustain us all.


Wendy Penner
Williamstown, Mass. 



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Letter: Trial Shows Trump's Character

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

The trial of Donald Trump in Manhattan might seem like a matter of legal technicalities, but I think it's really important in another way. It has shown us clearly the character of Trump and the Republican party he now dominates.

He denies that he had sex with Stormy Daniels, even when this obvious lie hurts his case and has little to do with the charges against him. He demands that others show their loyalty by repeating his lies, as Michael Cohen did for years. His ego is so brittle that he has an aide who prints out favorable stories about him to keep him occupied and calm while in court.

Meanwhile, a parade of Republican elected officials, keen to fluff their leader, have left their jobs in Washington to drop in and pronounce their disdain for the trial and the court.

In 2015, Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said, "If the Republicans nominate Trump for President he will destroy the Republican Party and we will have deserved it!" Although Graham has since joined the Trump sycophants, nine years ago he was prophetic.

The party has become a shameless cult engaged in undermining our constitutional principles. It will only begin to heal if it loses in November.

Jim Mahon
Williamstown, Mass.



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