Letter: Democracy In quarantine: Vote, and Vote Safely

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To the Editor:

Never has it been so dangerous to cast our vote; yet, more so than ever, we need to. This upcoming national election will determine the course of our country, our town, our family, and our life. Together, we can navigate this unprecedented crisis and sail across troubled seas, but only if every voice is heard — and that includes yours.

That in-person elections in Adams and Cheshire proceeded without problems should give us hope, but it should not be a reason for complacency. In fact, there are many reasons to be concerned: New voter registration has dropped since the COVID-related lockdown. In-person elections saw a decrease and absentee ballots were not made available to all eligible voters. Young voters especially have distanced themselves more than ever before, precisely when their voices are needed more than ever before.

For reasons above, I urge you to seek alternative voting options for yourself and encourage others to do the same. Register voters online, or choose mail-in ballots if you could; alternatively, hold your local election stations up to the health standards prior to election — call your town administration and ask them to provide voting machines that are properly distanced, provide staff and voters with free protective gears, to put taxpayer money where they should most be spent. We should not have to risk our lives for the democratic process.

I am a student. I belong to one of the groups with the lowest registration rates in the past. If we are to preserve the democracy that we study, practice and love, we need to do better. But we cannot do this alone. We need your help and your vote. Register to vote online at www.sec.state.ma.us/ovr/ today.

Stephanie Teng
St. Louis, Mo.



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Scholarships & Awards for the Mount Greylock Regional Class of 2024

WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The following awards and scholarships were presented to the Mount Greylock Regional School class of 2024 during class night on June 6.
National Honor Society: Ava Anagnos, Lex Anagnos,Thomas Art, Phoebe Barnes, Liam Berryman, Mirabel Boyer, Jacqueline Brannan, Kaylie Bryan, Sylvie Clowes, Julia DeChaine, Belén Gálvez, Isabella Garivaltis, Ché Guerra, Emma Kate Hane, Talia Kapiloff, Erin Keating, Ryan Keating, Caleb Low, Cecilia Malone, Lily McDermott, Quinn McDermott, Lucy McWeeny, Anne Miller, Emily Mole, Catherine Moriarty, Dylan Nevarez, Margaret Nichols, Emily Ouellette, Andrew Petropulos, Owen Petropulos, Alexa Politis, Quinlan Repetto, Declan Rogers, Celina Savage, Parker Smith, Oliver Swabey, Macy Tidmarsh, Vincent Welch, Grace Winters
Paul O. LaPlante Memorial Scholarship: Owen Petropulos
United States History Award: Parker Smith
National Junior Classical League Latin Honor Society: Emma Kate Hane
Massachusetts Foreign Language Board of Directors Award: Latin: Cecilia Malone; Spanish: George Munemo; Leadership: Jose Brito and Emma Kate Hane
Spanish Club Scholarship: Jose Brito
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