Letter: Will the Bell of Liberty Still Ring?

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To the Editor:

In recent times we have seen an all out effort to diminish freedom in America. We have seen the democratic process erode into a dictatorial presidency in which honor, humanity and dignity are forgotten words.

America is under attack abroad and at home. We have a president, Senate president and United States attorney general, along with others, that have and will continue to erode the safety and well being of this nation and planet.

Unfortunately, there is a United States Senate comprised mostly of Republican lambs whose primary goal is to get re-elected at all cost, and have essentially turned their cowardly backs away from their sworn pledge to represent all the people of this great country. Money, power, lobbyists, along with special interest continue to drive these politicians in Washington. Courage and honor are empty words in Congress these days.

The question now is simple, what are you and I going to do to change the destructive direction that the drivers of this nation are on?

Today, the bell of freedom still rings but appears to be losing it's strength. We can ill afford to sit back and do nothing.

Let us use our feet, words and the ballot box to rescue America! If we don't, then who will?

Best wishes to all, and please share these and your thoughts with friends, neighbors, and others who will head the call to rescue our nation.

Vincent Melito
North Adams, Mass.



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North Adams Planners OK Starbucks Development on Problem Corner

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff

Peter LaPointe of Colvest Group reviews aspects of the development plan at Monday's Planning Board hearing. 
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — The Planning Board on Monday approved a multi-tenant redevelopment of the former St. Francis property that will include a long-rumored Starbucks.
The special permit includes the site plan, a variance to the 35-foot setback and, as a condition, the addition of curbing to restrict driveway access on Eagle Street to right-turns only.
Colvest Group of Springfield plans to construct three buildings with four to six retail spaces, two drive-throughs and parking for 57 vehicles at the corner of Union and Eagle streets. 
Starbucks has committed to occupying a 2,500 square-foot building, said Peter LaPointe, vice president of real estate and construction for Colvest, and another national chain has signed a letter of intent for the "fast food" location on the plans. 
LaPointe said he could not name the restaurant at this time and that there were no tenants yet for the retail portions. Colvest would continue to own and maintain the property.
Colvest purchased the 1.9-acre lot in 2018 for $1.4 million, two years after the historic Catholic church was razed. The company demolished the rectory last year.
Planners have long considered this entrance corridor problematic because of traffic congestion at the lights where Eagle and Union/Veterans Memorial Drive (Route 2) cross. This is in part caused by drivers trying to enter and exit McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts directly across from the St. Francis property.
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