Adams Board Of Health Online Permitting Up And Running
ADAMS, Mass. — Code Enforcement Officer Thomas Romaniak reported that the recently implemented online permitting system has been a success.
"As far as the online permitting goes it has gone very well," Romaniak told the Board of Health Wednesday. "I thought we would have had a few more issues but we have had very few, so it is working."
Romaniak said he was not yet comfortable using a mobile device to conduct inspections that go with the new online permitting but will try to warm up to it.
"To be honest with you I’d rather go with a piece of paper," he said. "Computers are great, but I don’t trust them all of the time and if I lose something on the computer I don’t want to go back and tell the homeowner I have to do it again."
In other business, the board responded to a letter from the Berkshire Eagle soliciting money for ad space on a sponsorship page promoting heroin addiction awareness.
The board unanimously agreed that the $50 to $75 needed to purchase the ad space could be better spent if it went towards organizations actively battling addiction and the heroin epidemic.
"When I look at initiatives such as this asking us to make a statement I ask how does it address addiction directly?" Board member Bruce Shepley asked.
"I think we have a responsibility if we are going to spend money to spend it in a way that directly contributes to initiatives, not just an advertisement."
Shepley added that it may be beneficial to bring forth a group to donate to.
"If we can find a group that would directly benefit from a contribution then I think we should do that," he said. "I think it would be very easy to find one that is worthy…to just put an advertisement in the paper that just says we are against addiction doesn’t seem useful. Nobody is for addiction."
Chairman Peter Hoyt also suggested using the funds to purchase pamphlets on the dangers of addiction or perhaps have an informational session on alternative pain relief.
Romaniak then went over some current cases and said he is making some progress on the 8-10 Depot Street property which has a flapping tarp on the roof.
"It is still flapping but I have been in contact with him," he said. "There was a guy in there looking at the job, so they did call someone to look at it at least…it is not like they are not doing anything."
The board also voted to close a case on a 33 Grove Street apartment after Romaniak reported he placed a no rent order on the property.
"The people have moved out and I talked with the owner and he does not plan on renting it out anymore," he said. "I also gave him a no rent order, so he can’t."
The Board of Health was notified when dead rats and peeling paint were found in the apartment unit.