Lanesborough Nears New PILOT Agreement with Berkshire Wind

By Andy McKeeveriBerkshires Staff
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The Board of Selectmen hammered through a series of approvals Monday night in just over 30 minutes.
LANESBOROUGH, Mass. — The town has agreed to a new payment in lieu of taxes agreement with the Berkshire Wind Power Cooperative Corp.
The new agreement replaces the three-year agreement the town entered with the proprietors in 2011. According to Jeff Blake, an attorney from Kopelman & Paige representing the town, the agreement is a "better agreement" because it outlines the deal more clearly. 
However, Blake said there is still some difference of opinion on the depreciation of the materials at the wind farm. The company has a schedule of depreciation over 33 years, which they say is industry standard.
But, Blake is handing that schedule over to the town's consultants on the project for their opinion first.
"The agreement itself won't change. The only thing that will is change is this schedule," Blake said.
The attorney said he believes it should be a 20-year schedule. By condensing the time, the town would be in line to see $4,361 more each year. The company has already provided an itemized list of assets.
Berkshire Wind is a non-profit organization so is free from taxes. However, it is required to provide a PILOT. The agreement with Lanesborough assesses the personal property at $1.8 million and the town will tax that accordingly. 
The Board of Selectmen approved the contract pending an agreement on the depreciation schedule. 
The agreement helps to avoid the situation Hancock found itself in with the company. After the PILOT agreement there expired, the two sides were seeking a new deal but not quick enough. Hancock filed a lawsuit against the company for PILOT fees not paid while the two sides were hashing out an agreement. The company ultimately made the payment to Hancock.
In other business, the town approved the following events for Saturday, Aug. 8.
The Lanesborough Firemen's Association will be holding a block dance at Bill Laston Memorial Park. The band Whiskey City will be the headlining act and vendors will be serving beer, wine, and food. The event is $10 for adults and doors will open around 6 p.m. The music ends at 11 p.m.
The Berkshire Mall is holding a "family fun day," a new promotion featuring the Raptor Project, puppet shows by the Puppet Brigade, the farmers market's corn festival, and special at mall stores. The Raptor Project is an educational program that teaches children about birds of prey. WBEC will be broadcasting live. 
The activities will be held in the parking lot of the Berkshire Mall between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Tags: PILOT,   wind farm,   

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Lanesborough's Proposed Age Friendly Park Gaining Momentum

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

LANESBOROUGH, Mass. —The Senior Park Committee, now the Age Friendly Park Committee, is making progress with a plan that supports recreation for all stages of life.

The panel has over $30,000 secured for the project at the underutilized Bridge Street Park which is estimated to cost as much as $250,000 to build.  Elements include pickle ball, shuffleboard, bocce, and a "shezebo."

"(The park) really just got forgotten about and abandoned and I looked at it and looked at it and looked at it and said it shouldn't be abandoned. Our senior population is increasing, we're getting older," Chair Linda Pruyne said.

"My whole concept behind this age-friendly park is that when we were kids and we didn't have jobs and responsibilities, we'd go to the park and hang out with friends, and now we're retired, don't have jobs, we should go back and hang out in the park with our friends."

The effort has secured $15,000 in free cash during the last annual town meeting, $15,000 from the New England Rural Health Association with the help of the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, and $1,000 in private donations.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation will start a complete replacement of the bridge over the Town Brook next year.  Some of the park will be used as a staging area before the improvements are made but committee members want to establish it as a place to gather so that it is well known once the project is completed.

A design made by William Cook includes a variation of game courts, seating, a walking path, and maintains the baseball field.  Pruyne came up with the idea for a "shezebo," which is an all-season combination of a "she shed" and a gazebo.

While they have estimates for a couple of elements, there is not a price set on the full project just yet.

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