Updated July 06, 2015 01:06PM

Day Three: Still No Word from FBI About Adams Activity

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The FBI is on the scene at 10 Murray St. in Adams on Saturday evening.

UPDATE TUESDAY, JULY 7, 12:17: A U.S. Attorney's Office spokesperson in Boston this afternoon replied to our latest request for information but was not able to provide any yet:
"I’m sorry, but I’m not able to provide you any clarity at this time.  I’ll make sure to connect with you as soon as I am able."
As soon as iBerkshires.com is able to obtain credible information about this incident, it will report that information to our readers.
UPDATE MONDAY, JULY 6: Mum's the word in Springfield and Boston about the FBI's investigation at 10 Murray Street.
A Sunday email to a U.S. Attorney's Office spokesperson in Boston was returned with a promise to pass along any information that becomes available.

A call Monday morning to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Springfield was redirected to a different Department of Justice official in Boston who had no information but offered to return the call when she did. 

ADAMS, Mass. — The FBI was at 10 Murray St. late Saturday evening for undisclosed reasons. 

About eight people, some wearing navy blue T-shirts with "FBI Emergency Response Team" on the back, could be seen going in and out of the multi-family house through a side entrance off the driveway.

The officials worked out of two black sport utility vehicles parked in the driveway with a blue pop-up tent parked between the SUVs and the residence. 

Both Adams Police and Fire Departments were on scene. 

Adams Police Chief Richard Tarsa at about 9:15 p.m. said that he was not authorized to share any information. After consulting with one of the FBI agents on scene, Tarsa referred all questions to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Springfield. 

Tarsa did say that no area residents were evacuated as a result of the activity. The road remained open to car traffic at all times. 

A large Magnum floodlight was on scene to illuminate the activity in the driveway. 

According to activity heard on the police scanner, Adams' ambulance service had a staging area on nearby Croteau Street. No medical personnel were present at 10 Murray St. shortly after 9 p.m.

This story will be updated as new information is available. 

Tags: Adams,   FBI,   

If you would like to contribute information on this article, contact us at info@iberkshires.com.

Hoosac Valley Preparing For District Vote on $23M Budget

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
CHESHIRE, Mass. — The Hoosac Valley Regional School Committee on Monday night unanimously approved a document "strongly" endorsing the school district's fiscal 2025 budget.
"This budget is a fiscally responsible plan that keeps the increases well below inflation and focuses on maintaining the district's financial health without drastic cuts or tax hikes," the position paper reads. "Much of the increase is driven by unavoidable costs, including state mandates and necessary contractual costs, ensuring the district remains competitive as an employer and service provider."
The endorsement comes a week before a districtwide meeting that will vote the $23 million spending plan up or down. 
Cheshire rejected a Proposition 2 1/2 override last month that would have fully funded its portion of the budget and instead passed a motion that would level fund the town's fiscal 2025 school assessment. Adams had approved the budget in June. 
All registered voters from Cheshire and Adams, the two towns in the regional school district, will meet on Monday, Sept. 30, at 6:30 p.m. in the Hoosac Valley High auditorium to vote on the budget, the only item on the warrant. This will be a majority vote. 
A joint meeting of the School Committee and the select boards chose Thomas Bernard as moderator. Bernard, president of Berkshire United Way, is the former mayor of North Adams and was considered a neutral selection. 
"I've started to familiarize myself with the warrant and the relevant section of MGL, and I'm boning up on my Robert's Rules of Order just to make sure that we do everything as clearly and transparently as we can next Monday evening," Bernard told the committee Monday.
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