Adams Selectmen Approve $14.5M Budget, One Cruiser
ADAMS, Mass. — The Selectmen approved the proposed fiscal 2016 budget but removed one of the two new cruisers requested by the Police Department.
The budget will be voted at the annual town meeting in May.
The Selectmen made final changes Wednesday night on the more than $14.5 million budget. Although a few of the budget items were discussed, the only one altered was the request of two new police cruisers for $72,000. This item was decreased to one cruiser for $36,000.
Police Chief Richard Tarsa said the two cruisers that would be replaced have moe than 100,000 miles on them but he did not have any direct safety concerns over using them.
The board did agree to increase the maintenance and tire budget by 10 percent, which is near $1,000, to aid with the anticipated repairs of the aging fleet that will be downsized by one cruiser.
Town Administrator Tony Mazzucco did note that the funds allocated for maintenance are only for routine maintenance and would not help with "catastrophic failures" that increase as vehicles age and could cost thousands.
Tarsa explained that the original plan was to purchase a cruiser every year and cycle one out as a way to lower maintenance on the vehicles and extend their life, ultimately saving the town money. The town has strayed away from the plan and, prior to 2013, had gone several years without purchasing a new vehicle for financial reasons.
The chief said the cruisers' lives have been extended because the DPW mechanics are able to fix many issues in house and the plan has saved the town nearly $140,000.
Tarsa said he accepted the selectmen's positon but hoped they would attempt to stick to the replacement plan in the future.
"I've had conversations with the officers that drive those three cars," Tarsa said. "The officers driving those cruisers are comfortable with the concept that if there is one car this year there will another one next year."
Selectman John Duval said he would like to see a more detailed plan of what cars need to be replaced in the future far before the budget. He added that, unfortunately, officials cannot commit to a new cruiser every year because they do not know where the budget will be.
Tarsa said the Police Department has wanted to realign with the original plan he understood the board's reluctance to commit.
"There is no crystal ball that is going to tell us what next year brings, and we can only hope for the best," he said. " I am hoping that next year will be a little bit better, and the town will be able to afford one next year. If not, we are going to have to look two years from now."
The board approved the amended budget items with a 4-1 vote. Chairman Arthur "Skip" Harrington wanted to keep the public safety budget as is with two cruisers.
Harrington asked that the finance and technology budget be held for discussion because of public attention to the proposed cut in the town's share of retiree health care benefits from a 75/25 split to 70/30.
Many who opposed the change accepted the cut, but wished they were made across the board.
Harrington agreed that the cuts should be equal but explained it would difficult because the town just finished three-year term negotiations with its public unions.
The change would save the town $27,000 that if put back into the budget would trigger a Proposition 2 1/2 override. The town has an excess levy capacity of less than $18,000.
Selectman Joseph Nowak said he hates to make the cuts, but does not want to go for an override.
"It is just a trend and it is hard to swallow, but people need to do it ... it's tough, and I wish I could give them the extra money which they really do deserve," Nowak said. "I don't want to go for an override in this community; it would be devastating."
Selectman Jeffrey Snoonian said both decisions are bad but putting the money back into the budget would be worse.
"There are going to be retirees when we are long gone in this town and we want to make sure we can at least fund something for our retirees," Snoonian said. "If we don't do anything, and we keep sitting here doing what we have been doing it is going to be a worse situation in five years."
Harrington pledged to attempt to equalize the splits in the future if able.
The board all agreed to keep the budget as is.
Duval held the Public Works budget, which requested a new truck for $50,000 and the decrease of two positions.
He said the selectmen hate to lay anyone off but the town needs a replacement truck and the town cannot sustain those employees in the future.
McCann Technical School also presented its $788,446 assessment to the Finance Committee and Selectmen before the regular Selectmen's meeting began. McCann approved an $8.8 million budget last week.
With the acceptance of the entire budget, the board approved what will be allocated for the Adams-Cheshire Regional School District without a formal presentation from the School Committee.
Mazzucco explained that he and the chairman have been in contact with the committee and it is understood that Adams can only provide to the district.
"What the board is approving is the allocation based on the whole budget," Mazzucco said. "We know their needs are not met by the numbers we have, but that number is not going to be able to change without substantial reductions on the town's side or an override."
He said in order to accommodate town meeting, the budget process must stay on schedule and the School Committee was unable to meet with the board because it had to wait for the governor's budget to be released.
Adams share of the school district's cost increased 4 percent from $4,601,300 to $4,758,352.
Both Harrington and Nowak were hesitant to pass the budget without seeing the district's presentation. Nowak said the School Committee is very aware of the budget restraints
"I think the School Committee is resolute that there are many challenges that they face, and I think when we hear from them they will bring forth their point of view and it will be important to us," Nowak said.
The district can still alter the budget that calls for nearly 28 staff cuts. Whatever final budget it brings forth must be recommended by the Finance Committee and be approved or changed during town meeting.
The School Committee will vote on its final budget on March 30.
Tags: #adamsbudget, fiscal 2016, municipal budget, town budget,