MCLA Launches After-School STEM Program for Brayton

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NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts has recently launched an after-school initiative for Brayton Elementary's third-grade students to participate in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) activities.

The program will take place in MCLA's Feigenbaum Center for Science and Innovation through the "Help Yourself" program.

The college was approached by the Help Yourself Foundation to host a hands-on, inquiry based program for youth at MCLA.

The Help Yourself foundation was founded in 2005 by the president emeritus of Union College in Schenectady, N.Y. Roger H. Hull. Hull developed after-school programs that allowed school-aged children to come into college campuses a few times a week to participate in STEM-focused activities in the Capital Region.

"The Help Yourself Foundation thought this would be a natural extension of the work that they've already done, and would provide a unique format and location here at MCLA," H. Jake Eberwein, dean of graduate and continuing education, said. "We're replicating in great part the model that's been used in the Capitol Region, but we'll be supporting students in North Adams."

Supported by MCLA staff, students and North Adams public educators, the first 20 third graders began their activities at MCLA.Two times a week the third-graders will travel to MCLA campus with a teacher or tutor for Help Yourself's program.

In addition to the time spent in the science center, the student will also get a chance to become acquainted with MCLA's campus.

"We're building academic skills, but we're also really elevating aspirations," Eberwein explained. "These students might not have college in their sights.

"The idea is, you bring them on campus and provide academic enrichment activities. As we do that, we're providing them with exposure to the campus," he continued. "We will do some role modeling and campus tours, and through being on the campus they can begin to imagine that this is a place they can one day attend college."

Ideally, students in this first year will continue the program through eighth grade and a new group of third graders will be added on every year behind them. Eberwein is optimistic about the program's success and its potential for growth.


Tags: after school programs,   Brayton School,   MCLA,   

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Colegrove Park Recognized as Top 10 School Statewide in Attendance

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff

Superintendent Barbara Malkas, left, Colegrove Principal Amy Meehan, Mayor Jennifer Macksey and Dean of Students Jonathan Slocum pose with the Celtics basketball award on Friday.
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — The Boston Celtics gave gold to Colegrove Park Elementary School on Friday for scoring in the top 10 schools for attendance statewide. The school saw its chronic absenteeism numbers drop by 11 percent last year. 
Tim Connor, assistant director for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's west and central district, arrived with a gold basketball signed by the champion team to reward the students for their achievement.
"An award like this doesn't come easy. It takes a lot of work from all of you, the students, the parents, and especially Ms. Meehan and her wonderful staff, so a big round of applause," said Mayor Jennifer Macksey, after leading the assembly in the gym to chants of "Colegrove rocks!" "I am so proud of this school and the community that all of you have built. So everyone should be really excited about today, and this is an excellent way to start your school."
Superintendent Barbara Malkas asked last year's fifth-graders at Colegrove to join her at the front of the gym for a special applause. 
"When we track attendance of all the students in the whole district, these students have the highest attendance rate, the lowest chronic absenteeism rate in the entire district," Malkas said. "While all Colegrove students have been recognized as attendance all-stars, these students led the way in being attendance all-stars, so let's give them one more round of applause."
Colegrove switched this year to house Grades 3 to 6, so some of the younger students who helped earn the award are now at Brayton Elementary. However, all three elementary schools open last year saw improvement in attendance. 
Schools statewide have been working to reduce chronic absenteeism — the percentage of students missing 10 percent of the school year, or 18 days — which peaked during the pandemic. 
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