Pittsfield to Study Parking Management, Hold Open House
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The city will undertake a sustainable parking management study downtown and the study team will host an open house to gather input from the city at the Colonial Theater lobby on Dec. 5 from 4 to 8 p.m.
Attendees can come and go to the open house for as little or long as needed.
The management study will provide framework to make parking an asset to continued downtown growth in its arts, retail and mixed-use developments.
A plan may include the introduction of on-street paid parking, new technology, changes to downtown employee parking permits, updates to way-finding and directional signage, improved enforcement efficiency and more. In addition, complementary issues such as intersection improvements and circulation patterns, bicycle routes and parking, and public transportation will be evaluated. The evaluation team will also review the administrative structure, governing entities, parking finances, and general operations to ensure that the recommendations of this effort can be implemented efficiently and effectively, according to the city's statement.
For more information, contact Laurie Mick in the Department of Community Development Office at 413-499-9368.