Lenox Graduates Receiving 'Wake Up Call'

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Correspondent
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Lenox Memorial High School awarded diplomas to the 68 students in the class of 2013.

LENOX, Mass. — Fear can be a powerful motivator.

So when Lenox Memorial High School co-Valedictorian Elizabeth Prescott was looking for a motivational message for her classmates at their graduation Sunday afternoon, she found some powerful words.

"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country," she quoted from author Kurt Vonnegut.

With a chuckle and a chill, Prescott reminded her 68 classmates that much will be expected of them in the years ahead.

But rather than get scared, Prescott urged her fellow graduates to get ready and never stop the growth that was fostered at Lenox High.

"Someday, we will be the adults," she said. "We will be the parents and teachers and friends sitting in the audience. But we are not there yet.

"The idea of such responsibility is what Vonnegut calls true terror: the realization of our own abilities and duties. We will have to make the difficult decisions that we have seen others make. This idea still frightens us because we are not yet ready to run the country.

"We have more to learn."

In front of family, friends and teachers on a glorious afternoon at Tanglewood, the class of 2013 was recognized for what it already has learned and what it already has accomplished.

Many will go on to college like Prescott, who is headed to Hamilton in the fall. Most — 47 in all, or 69 percent of the class — graduated with honors.

Prescott shared the day's highest honor with her sister Katharine, who finished in a virtual tie for the class' highest grade point average and who took the microphone first on Sunday to share some thoughts on what the class achieved.

"Each and every member of this class has something unique about them, and it's a combination of all of us that makes this class so special," Katharine Prescott said. "Let's be honest. Between the 70 of us, we have people who are good at everything. Whether it be sports, drama, music, visual arts or academics, we have people who excel at each of them.

"I challenge you to find something that our class didn't accomplish over the last few years. We have a handful of athletes competing at the collegiate level next year, after many successful seasons in high school along with others who have already had great success at the Special Olympics. We have kids who would have stayed in gym class all day and kids who would have done anything to get out of the gym. We have kids who can turn anything into art and will be going to school for art next year and others who can't even draw a circle."

After the commencement exercises, the graduates followed the school's tradition by forming a circle on the Tanglewood Lawn and tossing their mortarboards in the air to punctuate the occasion.

The events inside the Serge Koussevitzky Music Shed ranged from silly (grads blowing bubbles while featured speakers addressed the hall) to poignant (a tribute to deceased classmate Remy Kirshner by Bailey van Lingen).

"It has almost been a year and a half since the passing of our classmate, best friend and wingwoman Remy Cotton Kirshner," van Lingren said. "Ever since that day in December, we've been living our lives with a missing piece of heart. Today, as we all begin to celebrate these past years at Lenox, we must also celebrate those wonderful memories we have with Remy.

"This quote was written on Remy's Facebook 'wall,' and I believe it's a great way for us to commemorate her life and the rest of ours ... 'Life is too short. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should and let go of what you can't change. Love deeply and forgive quickly. Take chances. Give everything. You have to take the good with the bad, smile when you're sad, love what you've got and always remember what you've had. Always forgive but never forget. Learn from your mistakes but never regret people. Change when things go wrong, but always remember: Life goes on.' "

According to Lenox Principal Michael Knybel, life is better because Sunday's graduates have shown their willingness to "give everything."

"I think the one thing that sets the class of 2013 apart from all other classes is their willingness to volunteer, to be part of something bigger than themselves," he said. "Whether it is volunteering in community service, traveling to New Orleans to rebuild houses, being academic tutors, sponsoring a school in Africa, being a school mentor or volunteering in their churches and synagogues, the class of 2013 has demonstrated the world can be a better place if you simply become involved.

"Thank you, class of 2013, for being leaders in our school and in our world."

And, perhaps someday, for running the country.

The Graduates Scholarships & Awards Val & Sal Photos
Collin Martin Abderhalden
Abdullrhman Mohammed A Al Henaidi
Jacqueline Amelia Ansel
Cameron Gentry Arace
Kelly Ann Babich
Shaun Eric Baczek
Emily Caroline Baisley
Lauren Anne Bartini
Alexander Pearson Bennett
Cameron Justin Besse
Alexa Danielle Bowden
Cassandra Mercedes Byrnes
Scott Neal Carpenter
Rachel Elizabeth Cogswell
Patrick Curran Conlon 
Jennifer Mary Delasco
Marin Delic
Emely Vanessa Diaz
Thomas Jay Duffin
Bradley Robert Duval
Logan Allen Finn
Jane Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Damian Robert Frink
Trystan Lewis Galiatsatos
Liam Patrick Gennari
Jaclyn Annemarie Gigliotti
Harrison Charles Smothers Gregg
Joshua Aaron Hazen
Ryan Bray Hurley
Anjelica Li Jarrett
Amy Elizabeth Kane
Jeffrey Thomas Kane
Joshua Wayne King
Tyler James Laughner
Giavana Marie LoGuidice
Anthony John Martino
Luke Edward Martino
Christopher Jason Meczywor
Robert John Navarino
Jordon Thomas Newton
Andie Olivia Nugent
William Malcolm Nutbrown
Alyssa Mary O'Brien
Garren Thomas O'Connor
Kristina Jean Pixley
Alexander James Pratt
Elizabeth Sikes Prescott
Katharine Hussey Prescott
Matthew Edward Quetti
Nicholas George Reynolds
Aidan William Russell
Seamus Ku'uipo Ryan
Austin Aivars Salnitis
Christina Marie Sample
William Nicholas Sample
Ryan Adam Schwendenmann
Jeel Piyush Shah
Hanna Brittany Stringer
Noah Bates Tebben
Robert John Tharion
Jared Robert Tuttle
Tristan Alan Vaber
Bailey Hannah van Lingen
Andrew Ryan Vickery
Thomas William Villetto
Sarah Noel Warren
Andrew Ryan Woodger
Evan William Grippaldi Yate
Hayden Aubrey Zinchuk


Tags: graduation,   graduation 2013,   Lenox Memorial,   

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