Drury High School Scholarships & Award 2013

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NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — The following awards and scholarships were presented at class night at Drury High School to the graduating class of 2013.

Valedictorian: Molly Howe
Salutatorian: Abigail Bolner
Dr. Richard Ziter Science/Pre-Med Scholarship: Danielle Racette
Robert James Dean Memorial Scholarship: Courtney Rolnick
Richard Brower Memorial Scholarship: Abigail Bolner
North Adams Police Union Scholarship: Jaclyn Aubin
Tony & Anna Deep Memorial Scholarship: Ali Tatro
Peter Foote Memorial Scholarship: Kodey Bryce and Danielle Racette
Jocelyn E. LeClair Memorial Scholarship: Ali Tatro, Jaci Aubin and Sarah Royal
Richard "Buckwheat" LeFave Award: Danielle Racette and Emma-Margaret Gregory
Eileen Robert Lincourt Memorial Scholarship: Ali Tatro
Spc. Michael R. Demarsico II Memorial Scholarship: Levi Grant and Samantha Andrews
American Legion Frank R. Stiles Post 125 in Memory of Paula Jean Bourdon Raymond: Danielle Racette
State Street T Neighborhood Kids Scholarship: Danielle Racette
American Legion School Awards: Allan Brazeau and Maria Netti
Dr. Arthur L. Mazzu Memorial Scholarship $300: Molly Howe
Achievement Awards: Art: Emily Eastman; Culinary Arts: William Blay and Allan Brazeau; English: Molly Howe; Family and Consumer Science: Angel Goodell; Foreign Language: Ryan Edmonds; Health: Tiffany Goodermote; Mathematics: Ryan Edmonds; Music: Ryan Edmonds; Physical Education: Kayla Johnson; Science: Michael Schmidt Jr.; Social Studies: Courtney Rolnick; Technology Education: Alex Boulger and Jacob Dilego; Theater: Carlee Huttle; Media Production: Alex Boulger
Amy Remillard Award: Carlee Huttle
Rising Star Award: Carlee Huttle
The Williamstown Community Theatre (The Willie): Emily Eastman and Emma-Margaret Gregory
Thespian Honor Stole Award: Emma-Margaret Gregory, Emily Eastman and Carlee Huttle
Senior Band Scholarships: Alex Boulger, Jillian Cyr, Min-jee Pae, Kendra Cross, Jimmy Montgomery and Ryan Edmonds
Paul Hartery Band Award: Samantha Andrews
Betty von Mosch Memorial Scholarship: Samantha Andrews
Sceva E. Whitney Memorial Scholarship: Ryan Edmonds
John Philip Sousa Award: Ryan Edmonds
Berkshire Symphony Award: Ryan Edmonds
Pauline Young Outstanding Senior Vocal Award: Ashley Volff
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award: Ryan Edmonds
Drury Bandfront Award: Jillian Cyr
TV Production Award: Cameron  Parrino
Music Technology Award: Alex Boulger
Danny Alcombright Memorial Scholarship: Samantha Andrew
Frank N. Costa Public Service Scholarship: Emma-Margaret Gregory
The Stephen J. Drotter Memorial Scholarship: Ali Tatro and Shannon Garvey
Adams Outdoorsmen for Youth Scholarship: Jillian Cyr
Byron E. & Rose L. Crum Scholarship: Jaclyn Aubin and Cameron Parrino
Lafayette-Greylock Lodge of Masons: Marissa Mahar
Helen Hickey George Scholarship: Cameron Parrino
Father Nelson Ziter Scholarship: Alex Boulger
Ted Ziter Sports Scholarship: Danielle Racette
Hoosac Bank Scholarship: Chelsea DeGroff
Sean Busbee Williams Memorial Scholarship: Emma-Margaret Gregory, Jacob Dilego, Danielle Racette and Cameron Parrino
Salem State Alumni Scholarship Fund: Sarah Royal
"Bud" Saulnier Memorial Scholarship: Laryssa LaPointe
Clarksburg Parent-Teacher Group: Molly Howe
Gordon B. Neville Memorial Scholarship: Amanda Ramsdell
The Richard C. Lussier Jr. Memorial Scholarship: James Montgomery
Charles E. West Memorial Scholarship: Cameron Parrino
Dora A. Radio Memorial Scholarship: Annalyssia Araiza
Stephen Sears Memorial Scholarship: Allison Gageant
Richard C. Milanesi Scholarship Fund: Danielle Racette
Arnold Ross Witto Memorial Scholarship: Maeve Denning
Diane Niles Scholarship: Molly Howe
Anita Lentine Memorial Scholarship: Laryssa Lapointe
Peter Cimini Memorial Scholarship: Alex Bush
Sons of the American Legion Post 125: Courtney Rolnick and Emma-Margaret Gregory
Massachusetts Elks Scholarship Inc. Major Project: Jaci Aubin

Clifton R. Tower Jr. Scholarship Award: Allison Gageant
Bryan A. Felix Memorial Scholarship: Stephen Bolognani and Laryssa LaPointe
Daniel E. Ralston Memorial Scholarship: Michael Schmidt
Jason A. Dupuis Memorial Scholarship: Jake Dilego
Goldie Sabin Memorial Scholarship: Anya Volff
Ermyn Beall Teaching Scholarship: Courtney Rolnick
Philip and Exilda Bianco Scholarship: Alex Boulger and Molly Howe
Benvenuti-Crosina Scholarship: Ali Tatro
William A. Courchene Scholarship: Molly Howe
Francis J. Walsh Memorial Scholarship: Daniel McDonough and Stephen Bolognani
Drury High School Class of 1955: Michael Schmidt
Pizzi Scholarship: Zachary Cellana
North Adams Travel Club Award: Anya Volff
Drury Boys Soccer Booster Club Award: Ryan Ouimet, Kodey Bryce, Jacob Groves and Levi Grant
Drury Girls Basketball Booster Club Award: Shannon Garvey, Ali Tatro and Danielle Racette
Drury Bosy Basketball Booster Club Award: Nolan Bird, Alex Bush, Cameron Parrino, Isiah Pantoja, Jacob Dilego and Alex Boulger
North Adams Teachers Association Scholarship: Kodey Bryce
Drury Girls Soccer Booster Club Award: Jen Monyahan, Danielle Racette, Ali Tatro, Amanda Ramsdell, Maeve Denning, Chelsea DeGroff, Laryssa LaPointe and Katie Hancock
Shirley Anne Jackson Memorial Scholarship: Samantha Andrews
John Paul Breen Memorial Scholarship, from money raised by Florida Mountaineers Snowmobile Club: Michael Schmidt
Whitney Basketball League Award: Danielle Racette, Samantha Andrews, Ali Tatro and Shannon Garvey
Drury Girls Softball Booster Club: Katherine Hancock, Laryssa Lapointe, Sarah Royal, Amanda Ramsdell and Haleigh Hazard
Richard J. Stanton Memorial Trophy for Excellence in Track, Character and Conduct on and off the the Field: Ali Tatro
William R. Robinson Memorial Scholarship (trophy): Ryan Ouimet
Drury Boys Baseball Booster Club Award: Nolan Bird, Alex Bush, Cody Primmer, Kodey Bryce and Ryan Ouimet
Drury Boys Football Booster Club Book Award: Alex Bush, Johno DiGenerro, Jose Melendez, Jake Dilego, Nolan Bird, Trever Packard and Berney Wilder
North Adams Travel Soccer Scholarship: Amanda Ramsdell
Landmark Credit Union Scholarship: Molly Howe and Cameron Parrino
Francis Millard Memorial Scholarship: Ali Tatro, Danielle Racette, Sarah Royal and Kodey Bryce
American Legion Post 29 Readsboro: Walter L. Case Scholarship: Stephen Bolognani; Dennis Comai Scholarship: Kendel Houghtaling
Robert E. Armitage Memorial Scholarship: Cameron Parrino
Joseph Lentine Memorial Scholarship: Amanda Ramsdell
Drury Class of 1968: Cameron Parrino
David C. Ashkar Memorial Scholarship: Carlee Huttle
Greylock Community Club Scholarship: Ali Tatro, Jaci Aubin and Ryan Ouimet
Margaret Whitney Dennis Scholarship: Molly Howe
Drury Class of 1983: Daniel McDonough and Kendel Houghtaling
Drury Faculty Assocaition Scholarship: Molly Howe, Abigail Bolner and Kodey Bryce
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 125: Anne and Anthony Sacco Scholarship: Laryssa Lapointe; Laura Carmel Scholarship: Michael Schmidt
Drury High School Class of 1964: Maeve Denning
Frank Zoltek Memorial Scholarship: Danielle Racette
Bernard R. "Bucky" Bullett Memorial Scholarship: Alex Boulger
Matthew T. Zappone Memorial Scholarship: Courtney Rolnick
David Morton Memorial Scholarship: Molly Howe
Helen F. Lesage and Leon L. Lesage Jr. Memorial Scholarship: Abigail Bolner
Holy Rosary Society Scholarship from the Parish of St. Elizabeth of Hungary: Ryan Edmonds
Adams Community Bank Scholarship: Abigail Bolner, Maeve Denning, Emily Eastman, Katie Hancock and Shannon Garvey
V. James Rotolo Memorial Scholarship: Kodey Bryce
Harry J. Bontempi Memorial Scholarship from Peter and Patricia Bontempi: Amanda Ramsdell, Emily Eastman, Shannon Garvey, Katherine Hancock, Carlee Huttle, Jacklyn Therrien, Kelsie Cote and Craig Gifford
Raymond F. Mahar Memorial Scholarship: Samantha Andrews
Greylock Federal Credit Union Scholarship: Chelsea DeGroff
Wendy A. Lincoln Memorial Scholarship: Ryan Ouimet
Peter Mancuso Memorial Scholarship: Chelsea DeGroff
Kitteredge Family Scholarship Sponsored by Naomi Chapter 17 Order of Eastern Star: Maeve Denning
Florence and Jerry Siciliano Memorial Scholarship Presented by Greylock PTG: Ali Tatro
Specialty Minerals Inc. Scholarship: Ryan Edmonds
Friends of the North Adams Youth Basketball Scholarship: Cameron Parrino

Tags: graduation,   graduation 2013,   scholarships,   

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2024 Year in Review: North Adams' Year of New Life to Old Institutions

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff

President and CEO Darlene Rodowicz poses in one of the new patient rooms on 2 North at North Adams Regional Hospital.
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — On March 28, 2014, the last of the 500 employees at North Adams Regional Hospital walked out the doors with little hope it would reopen. 
But in 2024, exactly 10 years to the day, North Adams Regional was revived through the efforts of local officials, BHS President and CEO Darlene Rodowicz, and U.S. Rep. Richard Neal, who was able to get the U.S. Health and Human Services to tweak regulations that had prevented NARH from gaining "rural critical access" status.
It was something of a miracle for North Adams and the North Berkshire region.
Berkshire Medical Center in Pittsfield, under the BHS umbrella, purchased the campus and affiliated systems when Northern Berkshire Healthcare declared bankruptcy and abruptly closed in 2014. NBH had been beset by falling admissions, reductions in Medicare and Medicaid payments, and investments that had gone sour leaving it more than $30 million in debt. 
BMC had renovated the building and added in other services, including an emergency satellite facility, over the decade. But it took one small revision to allow the hospital — and its name — to be restored: the federal government's new definition of a connecting highway made Route 7 a "secondary road" and dropped the distance maximum between hospitals for "mountainous" roads to 15 miles. 
"Today the historic opportunity to enhance the health and wellness of Northern Berkshire community is here. And we've been waiting for this moment for 10 years," Rodowicz said. "It is the key to keeping in line with our strategic plan which is to increase access and support coordinated countywide system of care." 
The public got to tour the fully refurbished 2 North, which had been sectioned off for nearly a decade in hopes of restoring patient beds; the official critical hospital designation came in August. 
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