Val & Sal for 2013 Selected at Monument Mountain

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GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — Monument Mountain Regional High School has named the valedictorian and salutatorian for the class of 2013.

Nicole Keefner, daughter of Benjamin and Teresa Keefner, has earned the distinction of valedictorian and Mikayla Morley, daughter of Scott and Hesty Morley, has earned salutatorian.

These students will receive scholastic medallions and certificates awarded by the Berkshire Hills Regional School District at commencement exercises on Sunday June 2, at 1:30 p.m. at Tanglewood.

Keefner, a member of the National Honor Society, is the recipient of many scholarships and awards including the DAR Good Citizen's Award, the Kiwanis Club of Sheffield's Educational Achievement Award, the Housatonic School Community Award, the Berkshire Crafts Fair's School Center Inc. Scholarship, and the Senior Science Award.

She is an Adams Scholarship and Koplik Award winner and winner of the 2012 Bausch and Lomb Award. Keefner has been recognized for her academic achievement and her co-curricular contributions to the school choral program, spring musicals and the volleyball team.

In addition to her involvement with and contributions to the school community, she has volunteered with the elderly during the holidays and the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life, was the captain of the Spartan volleyball team and a member of Monument's a cappella choir, The Spartones.

Keefner plans to study wildlife ecology and zoology at the University of Maine.

Morley is a National Honor Society member and the recipient of the Spirit of Monument Mountain Scholarship. She is an Adams Scholarship and Koplik Award winner, and has achieved the President's Educational Award.

Morley was recognized with the New College Math and Science Award and the Frederick Douglass & Susan B. Anthony Humanities and Social Science Award in the spring of her junior year.

Her achievements include being a senior student of dance with Berkshire Pulse and volunteer with Jacob's Pillow. Morley has volunteered with Project Sprout, Berkshire Botanical Gardens and school's Give to Give program, including coordinating fundraisers and forums with the elementary and middle schools.

Morley has been accepted and plans to enroll at Bennington College in Vermont to study environmental science.

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Volunteers Say Springside Park Has Gotten Cleaner

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Volunteers say Springside Park has generally gotten cleaner over the years.

On Tuesday, the Parks Commission approved the Springside Park Conservancy and the Friends of Springside Park's annual cleanups on April 19 and Sept. 20. Longtime members Bernard Mack and Esther Anderson gave a positive report about the park's upkeep.

"The park has been getting cleaner and cleaner every year, which is very exciting to see that people are taking more interest in keeping it that way," Mack said.

"And a lot of other things have been happening at the park, which we're happy about as well, improvements and such."

He reported that 25 years ago, the volunteers used to find parts of cars "and an old Chevy Vega I remember seeing." They are now finding smaller debris such as paper, cans, and bottles.

"We found sheet rock, we found construction debris, and people left their furniture, and people were dumping their chairs. That has completely decreased," he reported.

"Of course, with the COVID situation and the campers that were in there, we found vacant campsites and some camping materials but nothing like construction material or any that kind of stuff that people just using it as their dump."

Anderson added that 10 years ago, they were still taking tires out of the park.

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