Mount Everett Regional School Scholarships & Awards 2013

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The following awards and scholarships were presented at graduation ceremonies on Saturday, June 1.

St. Michael's: Erik Derwitsch and Taylor Garrett
Dartmouth: Elliot Neski
Wellesley: Victoria Aldam
Williams: Catherine Twing    

LeMoyne College Heights: Catherine Twing
Clarkson University Leadership: Erik Derwitsch
Clarkson University Achievement: Taylor Fish
U.S. Army Reserve National Social Athletic Award: Erik Derwitsch and Taylor Garrett
Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen: Taylor Garrett
John and Abigail Adams Scholarships: Melissa Abbott, Victoria Aldam, Carina Alden, Eli Cook, Erik Derwitsch, Taylor Fish, Taylor Garrett, Aaron Martin, Elliot Neski, John Ormsbee, Warren Pond, Devorah Sawyer and Catherine Twing
Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators Association: Taylor Garrett
Principal's Leader Award: Victoria Aldam
Rensselaer Polytechnic Medal: Erik Derwitsch
Massachusetts Superintendent Award: Erik Derwitsch     
President's Award for Educational Excellence: Melissa Abbott, Carina Alden, Victoria Aldam, Erik Derwitsch, Taylor Fish, Taylor Garrett, Danielle Guidi, Elliot Neski, Devorah Sawyer and Catherine Twing
President's Awards for Educational Achievement: Stephaine Chretien, Eli Cook, Matthew Fosby, Miranda Hosier, Evangeline Kuzmech, Aaron Martin, Jacqueline Martinez, John Ormsbee, Amber Trudeau, India Ward, Anna Zdziarski and Stefan Zdziarski
McDonald's McScholar Athlete Awards: Erik Derwitsch and Melissa Abbott

Media: Devorah Sawyer
Social Studies: Elliot Neski
Mathematics: Melissa Abbott
Science: Erik Derwitsch
French: Stephaine Chretien
Spanish: Catherine Twing
Technology: Carina Alden
3-D Design: Matthew Meyer
Chorus: Danielle Guidi
Band: Victoria Aldam
Theater Achievement: Victoria Aldam
Art: Blake Ferrara
English: Victoria Aldam
Guidance Award for perseverance and accomplishments: Stephaine Chretien
Wellness: Aaron Martin
Building Structures: Eli Cook
Culinary Arts: Kimberly Soules
Intership Award: John Ormsbee

Albert Trocchi Scholarship: Stephaine Chretien, Evangeline Kuzmech and Catherine Twing      
AARP in memory of Judy Stavisky: Devorah Sawyer
Alice Coon Shanley Memorial: Haley Finn
American Legion: Erik Derwitsch
Amy Gillette Memorial: Stephaine Chretien and Danielle Guidi
Barbara Rhoades Memorial: Melissa Abbott
Berkshire Antiquarian Book Fair Scholarship in Memory of Al Gventer: Elliot Neski
BCC Foundation General Scholarship: Blake Ferrara
BCC Foundation Nicholas & Theresa DiSantis Quality Printing Scholarship: Blake Ferrara
Berkshire County Arc Scholarship: Victoria Aldam
Berkshire County Selectmen's Association Scholarship: Erik Derwitsch
Berkshire County Youth Soccer: Stefan Zdziarski
Berkshire Woodworkers Guild Scholarship: Eli Cook
CIAO Berkshire County Soccer: Erik Derwitsch; Hall of Fame Scholarships: Taylor Garrett

Daughters of the American Revolution Cameo Society: Danielle Guidi
Diana Seavey Memorial: Anna Zdziarski

Esther MacDonald Memorial: Devorah Sawyer
Gary Truett Memorial: Victoria Aldam, Taylor Fish and Jacqueline Martinez
Gertrude Burdsall Memorial: Stefan Zdziarski
Girls Inc. of Berkshires: Jacqueline Martinez
Great Barrington Fish and Game Club Scholarship: Taylor Fish
Great Barrington Police Association: Melissa Abbott and Victoria Aldam
Great Barrington Rotary Club Scholarships: Melissa Abbott, Erik Derwitsch, Haley Finn, Jacqueline Martinez and India Ward
Great Barrington Rotary Club/Bruce and Barbara Persons Scholarship: Danielle Guidi
Greylock Federal Credit Union: Alexandra Hoover
Hazel Hendrick Memorial Scholarship: Danielle Guidi
Honorable James P. Dohoney Scholarship: Erik Derwitsch and Aaron Martin
John and Abigail Adams Scholarships: Melissa Abbott, Victoria Aldam, Carina Alden, Eli Cook, Erik Derwitsch, Taylor Fish, Taylor Garrett, Aaron Martin, Elliot Neski, John Ormsbee, Warren Pond, Devorah Sawyer and Catherine Twing
John Pulver Memorial Scholarships: Erik Derwitsch, Alexandra Hoover and Charles Parsons
Kevin Blanco Memorial: John Ormsbee
Kermit Gordon Scholarship: Haley Finn
Leo and Jeanette Nussbaum Memorial: Erik Derwitsch
Lillian Preiss Memorial: Catherine Twing
Mary Ellen Welch Memorial: Melissa Abbott
Mia and Lynn MacDonald Memorial: Jacqueline Martinez
Military Family Support Trust Scholarship:Erik Derwitsch
Mount Everett Class of 1980 Scholarship: Haley Finn
Mount Everett Class of 1986 Memorial Scholarship: Kelley Hayes, Taylor Fish and Aaron Martin
Mount Everett Scholarships: Taylor Garrett and Aaron Martin
Mount Everett SADD Scholarship: Taylor Garrett
Neil G. Fletcher Memorial Scholarship: Taylor Fish
New Marlborough-Monterey PTA Scholarship: Stephaine Chretien, Eli Cook, Erik Derwitsch, John Ormsbee, Catherine Twing, Anna Zdziarski and Stefan Zdziarski
O'Brien Arts and Technology Scholarship: Carina Alden
Picard-Provo Grants in Memory of John Henry Picard and Frank Provo: Melissa Abbott, Victoria Aldam, Erik Derwitsch, Taylor Garrett, Jacqueline Martinez and Catherine Twing
Pittsfield Cooperative Bank Centennial Scholarship: Melissa Abbott
Robert Gauthier Memorial: Aaron Martin
Renaissance Art School Award: Matthew Meyer
Renaissance Arts Center Award with Recognition to Mr. and Mrs. Burt: Matthew Meyer
Salisbury Bank/Charles Joch: Krista Reynolds
Sandisfield Scholarship: Evangeline Kuzmech
Santi Gulotta - Sheffield Volunteer Hose Company No. 1: Jason Dagruel
Scholarships for Military Children: Erik Derwitsch
Sheffield Grange Scholarship: Eli Cook
Sheffield Historical Society: Taylor Neil
Sheffield Kiwanis - in Memory of Dana Bartholomew: Melissa Abbott; in Memory of Rev. James Chase: Carina Alden; in Honor of James McGarry: Erik Derwitsch; in Memory of Donald Newman: Jacqueline Martinez; the Moritz Family: Haley Finn; in Memory of Albert Trocchi: Alexandra Hoover; in Memory of George Ullrich: John Ormsbee
Sheffield Kiwanis Educational Achievement Award: Catherine Twing
Southern Berkshire Regional Education Association Scholarship: Carina Alden and Evangeline Kuzmech
Southern Berkshire Regional Elementary Teachers Scholarship: Alexandra Hoover
Student Government Scholarship: Taylor Garrett
Thomas G. Crawford New Marlborough Fire and Rescue: Danielle Guidi    
Thursday Morning Club - Four-Year Scholarship: Melissa Abbott; One-Year Scholarship: Carina Alden and Jacqueline Martinez
United Church of New Marlborough: Stephaine Chretien and Eli Cook
Wheeler and Taylor Scholarship: Jason Dagruel


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Volunteers Say Springside Park Has Gotten Cleaner

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Volunteers say Springside Park has generally gotten cleaner over the years.

On Tuesday, the Parks Commission approved the Springside Park Conservancy and the Friends of Springside Park's annual cleanups on April 19 and Sept. 20. Longtime members Bernard Mack and Esther Anderson gave a positive report about the park's upkeep.

"The park has been getting cleaner and cleaner every year, which is very exciting to see that people are taking more interest in keeping it that way," Mack said.

"And a lot of other things have been happening at the park, which we're happy about as well, improvements and such."

He reported that 25 years ago, the volunteers used to find parts of cars "and an old Chevy Vega I remember seeing." They are now finding smaller debris such as paper, cans, and bottles.

"We found sheet rock, we found construction debris, and people left their furniture, and people were dumping their chairs. That has completely decreased," he reported.

"Of course, with the COVID situation and the campers that were in there, we found vacant campsites and some camping materials but nothing like construction material or any that kind of stuff that people just using it as their dump."

Anderson added that 10 years ago, they were still taking tires out of the park.

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