St. Joe Names Top Students for 2013

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — St. Joseph Central High School has named Emma Peplowski as valedictorian and Christian Kelly as salutatorian for the class of 2013. 
Both will speak during commencement exercises at 2 p.m. on Sunday, June 2, at St. Joseph's Church.
Peplowski is the daughter of Steven and Ann Peplowski of Pittsfield. A member of the National Honor Society, she was the recipient of the Williams College Book Award, the University of Rochester Bausch and Lomb Science Award and the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Math and Science Award. She received four medals for highest average and eight Certificates of Merit for achievement.
She was a member of the spring musical, chorus, Class Council, Model Congress and Greylock Federal Credit Union Youth Advisory Board, and was president of her freshman class.
She was a four-year member and captain of the varsity soccer and Alpine skiing teams. She received the MIAA Sportsmanship Award twice and the St. Joseph's Crusader Award. Peplowski was also a member of Bousquet Mountain's Alpine Race Team and was the Baystate Winter Games Alpine skiing champion two years in a row.
Her community service includes two years as a Haiti Plunge team member, a Pasta Pizzazz volunteer, house league soccer coach, and Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education Camp mentor.
Peplowski is employed by the Pittsfield Suns baseball team. In the fall, she will attend the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester. Her major is undeclared.
Kelly is the son of Patrick and Madeline Kelly of Pittsfield. A member of National Honor Society, he was the recipient of the College of Holy Cross Book Award, and the University of Rochester Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony Award. He also received five medals for highest academic average and five Certificates of Merit for achievement.
He served on the Citizen's Scholarship Board and was a delegate at Model Congress for four years. He played with the band for the spring musical, and was its student director this year, was a member of Music for Liturgies, Berkshire Youth Leadership Program and, for four years, of the golf team, of which he was senior captain.
Kelly's service within the church community included participation in Boy Scouts, as an altar server at St. Charles' Church and as an aide for Confraternity of Christian Doctrine education and choir, and as a member of the Catholic Youth Center board of directors and volunteer. He also was a Pittsfield 4th of July Parade assistant stage manager, sound engineer for "A Christmas Carol," and assistant stage manager for "Romance, Soul, and Rock & Roll."
He has been employed by Spice Dragon for the past three years. In the fall, he will attend Emmanuel College in Boston majoring in chemistry with a concentration in forensic science.

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Volunteers Say Springside Park Has Gotten Cleaner

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Volunteers say Springside Park has generally gotten cleaner over the years.

On Tuesday, the Parks Commission approved the Springside Park Conservancy and the Friends of Springside Park's annual cleanups on April 19 and Sept. 20. Longtime members Bernard Mack and Esther Anderson gave a positive report about the park's upkeep.

"The park has been getting cleaner and cleaner every year, which is very exciting to see that people are taking more interest in keeping it that way," Mack said.

"And a lot of other things have been happening at the park, which we're happy about as well, improvements and such."

He reported that 25 years ago, the volunteers used to find parts of cars "and an old Chevy Vega I remember seeing." They are now finding smaller debris such as paper, cans, and bottles.

"We found sheet rock, we found construction debris, and people left their furniture, and people were dumping their chairs. That has completely decreased," he reported.

"Of course, with the COVID situation and the campers that were in there, we found vacant campsites and some camping materials but nothing like construction material or any that kind of stuff that people just using it as their dump."

Anderson added that 10 years ago, they were still taking tires out of the park.

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